Chapter 9

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    I was so glad that she was fine. It should of been me though who got hurten worse. I felt so bad, this was all my fault that she was hurt. I was mad at myself for hurting her, though I didn't mean to. I had no clue what had even happened. I wanted to see Izzy so bad but the doctor wouldn't let me out of the hospital room. 

    My mom came rushing in after I had taken a short nap. "Sweetie, are you alright? What the hell happened? DO I have to pay car insurance. Is Izzy ok?" She was making me feel very uncomfertable by asking all those questions. "Mom, stop rushing me, please. I will answer them though. I am OK. A car ran into us and flipped the car over. Yes, you will probably have to pat car insurance, sorry mom. Also, Izzy is just fine. A sprained wrist and some cuts and bruises." She  loosens her face from relief. "Thank god, sweetheart, you scared me." "I know, I know. Don't worry I am fine though. I am leaving in the morning. Are you going to stay the night?" I want her to stay here but I know she has lots of work to do. "Yes, of course I am staying the night, Carter!" I was glad she wasn't screaming at me or anything. 

    After 10 minutes of her just sitting next to me, not saying anything I ask, "Hey mom, can you ask the doctor if I can get up and see Izzy, make sure she is actually OK and stuff?" She gets a worried face. "I don't want you to get up, just rest." I get a little ticked off. "Izzy is my sord-of girlfriend. I think. So again, will you please go to the doctor and tell him I am getting up to go check Izzy?" I can tell she gets a little ticked off too but also gets adored at the thought of me and Izzy sord-of dating. "OK, Carter, I will be right back. Don't get up until I come back, kk?" "OK, mom, thanks."

    She walks out of the room and comes back swiftly. "OK, you can get up. Izzy is in room 102, two rooms from yours. Happy, now? Don't run or anything, you will get a major headache." I get up right away and walk out of the room. I walk into Izzy's room and she is wide awake, eating some healthy oatmeal or some shit. "Hey, Carter." She says very softly. "Hey Izzy, are you OK? The doctor said you had a sprained wrist? That true?" I say in worry. "Ya, sprained wrist, minor concussion and bruises. You have more bruises then me. Haha!!" I laugh a little, though it hurts ma little to laugh. "Ya, nothing major. I am so sorry, it's all my fault. I wasn't watching the road," I explain, "I was paying attention to you...." I mumble hoping she wouldn't hear, though she did. "Aww, it's not your fault, babe." The though of her just calling me 'babe' sent chills down my spine. I smile, really big. I don't care if it hurts, I want to smile so I do. 

    After about 10 minutes of talking to Izzy, I go back to my room and lay down. The doctor brings in some food. Oatmeal, just like the kind Izzy had when I walked in, some water, and an apple. "Eat your food, you will need the nutrition and energy for when you get up tomorrow. You hit pretty hard." I don't like this doctor, he isn't very friendly or nice. He is helping me though so I have to like him a little bit.

    I take a bite of the oatmeal, it is bitter but good at the same time. Apple is a little sour. The water is the only thing that tastes good. I want to see Izzy again, but before I could ask, i drift off to sleep. 

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