Chapter 23

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I accpeted the call.
"Don't start that again."
"I'm sorry."
"What do you want from me?"
"I just want to know your ok!"
"Do you know why I'm here?"
"I'm here because I came to visit you. While on my way back, I got into a car crash."
"You came to see me?"
"Yes, I thought they had told you."
"They didn't tell me anything."
I could hear her heavy breathing through the phone. She didn't know what to say. I could tell. So eventually I stopped the awkward silence.
"Dont call me again. I can't do this."
"I know... I just wanted to hear your voice."
"Bye Izzy."
"Bye Carter. I love you and I'm sorry."
I hung up before she could. I breathed out hard, then harshly sucked back in.
I called the doctor back in, hoping to get some food. Maybe a cookie. That cookie gave me energy. I laugh a little as I think about that in my head. I'm here, in a hospital, wanting a cookie. Makes sense doesn't it? As soon as the doctor comes in, about 5 minutes after calling him in, he gives me some water. He says the cookie isn't good for me to eat right now sadly.
I turned off the light. It was hurting my eyes, causing me to tear up. I didn't want anyone to see me cry and keep asking why. Having to repeat the same thing over and over again. I eventually fell asleep after turning off the light.
I opened up my eyes, suprisingly seeing my mom. She looked up with a magazine in her hand, noticing me being awake. She hadn't gotten sleep. She had bags under her eyes.
"Mom, have you gotten any sleep?" I look at her in concern. She gets up smiling. As tired as she looks, she smiles.
"You're coming home tonight babe." She says, putting on a big smile for me. I smile in pain. There are still cuts on my face that haven't fully healed. I still manage to pull off a smile.
"I'm coming home? What time?" I say. I can't believe it. No more gross hospital food. No more having to sit on this super uncomfortable bed. Or these gross clothes that I've been in the past coupledays.
"Tonight, around 6 they're checking  you out." She says. I couldn't believe whatv she was saying. I could finally sleep in my own bed. No more gross hospital food.
       "I can't believe it!" I say putting on a big smile. I just about cry but stop myself when one of th doctors comes in.
       "Carter, I am very glad to say you are in good condition." The doctor says looking at my mom then back to me. The doctor, who I found outs name is Dr. Reven. Couldn't figure out how to pronounce it so I just called him "doctor"
      "Me too. My mom told me I'm going home tonight! Is that true?" I ask, hopeful for a yes. At the same time I'm scared to leave. What if Izzy never got caught. If they never found her. I don't want her to find me again. "Yes, you are getting out of this place today. You will still need to come to the hospital at the most of twice a week."
      I was scared. I didn't want to leave. At first it sounded so nice, now it sounds horrific. I felt safe here. As if no one could get in that shouldn't be here. I just didn't want to leave, but I had no choice. I couldn't tell my mom about this. I would have to tell the whole back story of it. I'll just have to put on a smile.
        "Oh. I'm so excited!!" I say, completely lying. I hoped that everything would be a lot better once I get out. Hopefully I wouldn't have to see Izzy again. I hadn't heard anything from her since that night. It had only been a couple days though, anything could have happened. She could have gotten caught and sent back to jail. I wondered when she would have to go to court. It had been a while since she was in there. Maybe a week or more.
Once it turned six I had butterflies  in my stomach. It took about five minutes for my mom to get me checked out. While walking to the car I noticed how dark it was outside. It hadn't really gone through my mind that it was already November. When the days ended early and they started late. I couldn't believe I was already out of that place. It felt like it had been months but it had only been a week or two.
      Everything felt different when I got out. Even the air was different then what I remembered. Every thing I knew before just had a different appearance, touch or smell to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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