Chapter 11

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    I lay back down and think for a little bit. Why did Izzy bring me here? Is she mad at me? Who was that guy she was with? Who was trying to hurt me? While I think about this I start to close my eyes and drift off to sleep. When I wake up, I am back in the hospital bed and my mom is sitting right there in the chair next to my bed. 

    "Oh, sweetie you are awake finally. You were asleep for about 2 days. Are you OK?" She says and grabs my hand. "Yes, mom I am fine. Where is Izzy though? She in her room still?" I ask getting out of bed. "Yes, she has been in her room as long as you have. Do you want to go see her? She asks, helping me up and taking her coffee with her. 

    We walk to the room and I see Izzy. Then I realize, that whole thing was a DREAM! I go to Izzy and kiss her. "Hey, Carter. Where have you been?" She asks getting up to hug me. "Sorry, guess I have been asleep the past 2 days." I say giggling a lil' bit. 

    I talk with Izzy a little bit. My mom, luckily, leaves us alone for a little bit. After maybe 2-3 hours my mom comes in smiling a great big smile. "What is it mom?" "You can both finally leave and go home!" She says jumping up and down. 

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