Chapter 20

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Weeks have passed. I haven't said a word to Izzy in a month. I feel so bad. I love her so much but, it just can't happen anymore. Not ever. I want to tell her that we don't just need to take a break, we just need to break up. I need space. Most people when they say they need a break they usually talk to their girlfriend/boyfriend a couple days later. Not with me. It has been over a month. In school, I don't see her anymore. I saw her once in class but that was months ago. It pains me and pains me to see how much she's going through and I am not there for her but I think it's for the best. She could hurt me, or kill me... like she did her mom.

I haven't said a word to anyone for days now. Not even during class. I miss when everything was normal.

As I lose my train of thought, I turn the TV on and it turns to the news. I see Izzy, standing in front of the camera as helpless as possible. The borderline states 'High School Girl Found And Accused Of 1st Degree Murder' I cup my hands over my mouth as I fall to the ground crying. This can't be happening. I scream, as I also panic. I kick the nearest thing I see with my leg and start punching the wall. I look at the many holes in the wall I have created. I don't even notice my bloody knuckles. I am not even crying. I'm just filled with anger inside me. I grab my mom's keys and steal her car. I rush to where they took her. "Sir," I say to the policeman standing at the office place. "May I see Izzy? She just got took in for 1st degree murder!" I stutter, wanting to cry but I keep it inside. "You won't be able to see her. You are not family." He says and drinks his coffee with a straight face. "Actually,I am her brother." I lie, hoping he doesn't know that I am not. "OK, well you won't be able to see her until tomorrow. She is getting background checked. It will be a long process." He says, still drinking his coffee. "Can I stay the night here?" He looks at me and drinks his coffee. I hear him mumble some words to himself. "Sure, but I ain't got any blanket or pillow for ya, you just get the bench over their." He points to a plastic, old green bench.

I toss and turn all night long. I am so cold and uncomfortable. This is literally the worst thing I have ever slept on. Before I know it I open my eyes and it is morning. The policeman lets me see Izzy. I can only see her through a glass pane. I can't even touch her. Or hold her hand. Or kiss her forehead and tell her everything is ok. I see the orange jumpsuit she is wearing and I feel uncomfortable all the sudden. I back away from the glass and run outside. I don't know why but I felt unsafe with her. I have never felt this way about her.

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