Chapter 21

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          I drive home as quickly as possible. Hoping to forget about all of this. All the bad things. Wanting to go back to my regular life. What the hell is wrong with me? I know nothing can go back to normal but there is a sliver of hope that this might just all be a dream. As I sit in the car, I drift off and go in front of a truck coming towards me. I scream and my life flashes before my eyes. Before I know it I am in a hospital bed and my mom is sitting in the cushioned seat next to the hospital bed. I try and hide the fact that I am awake. Instead she notices. "What were you thinking?" She says not even daring to look at my cuts and bruises. "I'm sorry mom. I just needed to see Izzy." I answer. She tears up a little and just covers her face. "Mom..." I start to say as she interupts me. "Don't." She says finally looking at me. "Don't what?" She gets up and grabs my shoulder where there isn't a bruise. She walks out the room and closes the door.
        I try to move but can bearly lift my head up, causing myself pain. I try to call the doctor in so I can get some pain pills. I can't reach. I try to scream but it hurts too much and I can't scream loud enough for someone to hear me. I start to doze off. I open my eyes after just a minute, maybe a minute. I see a doctor standing right infornt of me. "You were asleep for a long time Carter. Good that you got some rest. Do you feel any better?" The doctor says as he does some medical checks on me. "It felt like I just closed me eyes for a minute." I say a little confused. "Son, you have been asleep for about 4 hours." The doctor says concerned. I start to doze off again and wake up with all the lights off. It's super quiet. Kind of uncomfortably quite. As I manage to get up off the hospital bed I crash to the ground, hitting my head. I get back up again and manage to walk to the door. I notice a wheelchair and manage to walk my way over there.
         As I get up on the wheelchair and try to move, it doesn't move so I cuss at myself a little. Only thing I can think of is to crawl so I manage to crawl to where the coffee is, grabbing some coffee. I try to find some cream but only end up finding a gross cream that I have never even heard of.
       After getting my coffee, still crawling on the ground, I go back to my room. Once I enter the room I, again, manage to walk to the bed. I get back onto the bed and fluffen up my pillow, and laying back down. Staring at the still opened door. I look back at the chair where my mom  has sat. Not even realizing before that Izzy was sitting in the chair. She scares me so much that I practiacally fell face first on the ground. I can't get words to come out of my mouth. I just stand there, speechless. As the silence got awkward, Izzy finally said something. "Carter..." She says getting up a little bit. After she says that I finally break. "That's all you have to say?" I say in a louder voice. "Carter?" She looks at me speechless with wide eyes. "I... I am sorry." She says finally, breaking the silence. "I can't do this right now." I reply, struggling to speak."I'll leave." Izzy says standing up. As she walks out of the room I glare at her, trying to ignore the fact that I am in pain. Once she is fully out of the room I breathe out heavily, as if a chip has been removed from my shoulder. I need to get over her. I have to get over her. I try to tell myself. And eventually I start to believe myself.
         I guess I fell asleep right after because I woke up to alarms going off and nurses and doctors screaming and yelling orders towards each other. I still couldn't stand very well so I couldn't figure out what was going on. I tried to forget what happened last night but it kept repeating in my head. "Carter." She had said. Is that really all she had to say to me? Then it crossed me, she was supposed to be in jail. Jail. How the heck did she get out? What was she trying to accomplish? My forgiveness?
      I finally manage to get up off my bed. I can walk a little better now that I got some good rest. As I walk out of the room, a doctor rushes right in front of me, sprinting towards the surgery room. The doctor was no more then two inches away from me and almost made me fall to the ground.
     With every step I take, I ache more everytime. Trying to deal with my pain I forget where I am and lose balance and fall face flat to the floor. People all around me run towards me, asking me "are you ok?" "whats your name?" crowding and overwhelming me.

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