Chapter 14

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    I was confused but I had to confront Izzy about this so I texted her. I should have done this in person but I didn't want to see her face right now. 

'Izzy, tell me the truth, what is going on?'

'What do you mean sweetie?"

'You know what I mean, don't you?'

'Be more specific. There is many things I know and don't know.'

    I couldn't help myself but cry. 

'About me being in the car with you and the man. With the person or thing or whatever that is trying to hurt us for some reason. You know what I am talking about.' 


'Yes, THAT, tell me what is going on now or else I am going to be very mad and we are going to have some problems. Be honest with me please. We trust each other don't we?'

'Of course I trust you but do you trust me?'

'Y-y-yes. I trust you Izzy with all my heart now tell me what the hell is going on!!'

'It is not safe to text or call we need to talk in person.'

'I don't think I can really look at you right now Izzy. I don't know what to believe.'

'You can believe me Carter. Trust me please. Meet me at the gas stationa nd we will go on from there. Be there in 15?'

'OK, fine but you promise to tell me everything you know?'

'Yes, Carter, I promise.'

    I start walking towards the door to go out. "Where do you think you are going young man?" My mom says just as I am about to open the door. "I am just going for a little jog. I won't be long. It will just feel good since I was in a hospital bed for so long." I say smiling at her and opening the door. "Nuh-uh, it isn't safe for you to go out there alone. Either stay here or I go with you. Or maybe you can just go tomorrow when it is day time. I love you but your safety is more important to me." I look at her confused, safety? What does she mean by that. Does she kniw about this too?

    "What do you mean my 'safety'? Is someone trying to hurt me?" She looks at me and says, 'No, no, no sweetheart I mean the safety of your health. I don't want you to go too hard on yourself." I can tell she is hiding something and I know she knows something that she doesn't or can't tell me. "Tell me mom" 

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