Chapter 15

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    My mom looks at me for a long time. It is just silence for the longest time. Finally I say, "Mom, tell me! Please?" She sighs. "OK, fine. I will tell you but you have to promise that you won't get mad.?" I put my head down for a moment and look back up. "I promise!" I say. "Y-y-you are um.....adopted....and Izzy, well....she is my actual....daughter." She says and starts crying, putting her head in her hands. I don't know what to say. None of this makes sense, why would she give Izzy up but then adopt me? Wait, did we only move here because Izzy was here? Oh.My. God. She is kind of like my sister. I am in LOVE with my sister. 

      "Wha? How? When? Why? Why are you just telling me this now. Why did we move here? Is it because you knew Izzy was here? Why did you give her up then adopt me?" I say. "I was going to tell you sooner but didn't have the guts to. She was 4 when I put her up for adoption. So, yes, I did know that Izzy was here, and yes, that is why we moved here. Once I found out that you two were best friends, I was about to tell you, but then you guys started dating and I couldn't just take that away from you. I gave her up, because she was different. She had some type of thing that she could do. I can't even explain it."

    I was speechless. What did she mean by 'she was different?' "Mom, what do you mean by, she is different? What is wrong with her?" I say, curious. "She had some type of power. It was like she could reboot them." She says, her head now our of her hands. "What do you mean by reboot?" I say. This is so over whelming, unrealistic thing that is happening. "Please understand, Carter, I didn't want it to happen this way. Please, forgive meh!!" I couldn't forgive her. I just couldn't. "Mom, I can't forgive you, you have been lying to me this whole time. For about 3, 4 years." I couldn't stop crying, I ran to my room, slammed the door and jumped on my bed, face first, putting a pillow beneath my face. I want to text Izzy so bad right now but ... I just couldn't,not right now, not with everything going on. But I had to, I had to text her. I had to know if this was all true or if it is just a dumb lie. 

'Izzy, what is going on?'

'What do you mean, Car?'

'My mom, she keeps saying that she is your mother, and I and you were adopted, and you have powers, like rebooting or some shit. Please, tell me it isn't real?'

    Right as I sent that text I got a text from my mom.

'Carter, I don't care that you are mad at me, well I do but that is not the point. Just make sure whatever you do, do NOT tell Izzy. Please, you have NO clue what is going on here, don;t make it worse. Please listen to me.'

    I didn't reply. I don't know if I should be sorry or mad that she is just telling me now, right after I sent the text to Izzy. For all I know she is already reading it, about to reply. 

    It has been 15 minutes and I have not gotten a reply from Izzy. I lay on my bed, looking at the ceiling thinking. I hear the door bell ring. I don't want to get up but I know I have to. When I go to the door, I open it and I see Izzy, standing there, her clothes muddy and ripped. With leaves in her hair as if she just got attacked by an animal of some sort...

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