Chapter 13

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    I wanted to just let this all go but I couldn't. Izzy had left after that so quickly as if she was lying about what she had said. I didn't want to be mad at her but I was. I wasn't fully sure why I was mad at her really. All I knew was that I had a dream, or not a dream, I wasn't sure but I just wanted a few answers. Maybe I was just being paranoid. I think I am over thinking this. Just go to bed Carter and leave these thoughts for tomorrow or something. 


   When I woke up I was in the same damn car. The same damn place. The same damn position. What the hell is going on? Now I really know that this wasn't a dream before. That this isn't a dream now. "Izzy, is that you?" Suddenly I am waking up again in my bed where I had fallen asleep. "W-w-what just happened?" I say to myself.Ugh, I was so confused. I lay back in bed not knowing what is real and what isn't. I see my mom open the door. "Hey, honey, you doing OK?" I look at her. "Ya, I am OK. I have just been having some nightmares. I am fine though." She looked relieved. She walked away and I lay my head back on my pillow. 

    I wake up again in the car. I sit up and look at whose driving and who's in the passenger seat. Izzy is driving and the same man is in the passenger seat. "Izzy, tell me what is going on now!!" I began to feel angry. "Look, Carter, you have no clue what is going on. I know you're wondering if this is a dream or not, well it isn't. I am sorry to have confused you so much but its the way it has to go. You just need to listen to me for now. You don't have to trust me just listen." 

    I look at her, she doesn't seem to be joking. "OK, this is all I am going to tell you for now, OK? You are in danger. What happened when we were in the car, it wasn't an accident. This man, he is sore of our protector. Trust him. W don't know who exactly is trying to hurt us but we are trying to figure out. I love you Carter, you have to know that." I have no clue what to do, I am scared maybe or nervous, confused, I have no clue. "How do you know all of this." "I can't tell you that yet, go back to sleep OK? You are going to wake up in your bed but don't question anything yet. Be careful who you trust Carter." 

    Next thing I know

             I am in my bed again. 

The Great DepressionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora