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WARNING! This shit is long af so prepare...

Oh, and I suggest that you read this at night, when everyone is asleep or it's quiet...

Enjoy people! AYWAVYU!!!


*Bami's POV*

3:00 am....

The perfect time to sneak out. I readied my bag, as I was making sure that no one can hear me. I stealthily walked out of my room, headed downstairs and out of the apartment. I closed the door and began running away...

I passed a small flower shop which was open 24 hours, I bought a bouquet of lilies and proceed to run. My black converse making small sounds, my oversized black sweater so I can move easily, my backpack dangling on my back, my cap and mask to hide any trace of my identity, and the flowers to make me more confusing...

As I arrived on my destination, I sharply breathed. It was quite creepy to be honest, in a dark place where most people are at peace...

The cemetery....

It looked more frightening than I thought, but I have to. I don't want him to wait....

I took out my flashlight and walked through the gates, I saw the night guard and I asked for permission. I proceed to walk...

Damn, it's creepy. The full moon, since it's still so early, the sudden rustling of bushes, the strong wind blowing in my direction, and the silence.... Not to mention the hoot of an owl and my sudden feeling of someone following me....

It's like I'm in a ghost story, wanting a death wish....

Not long after, I finally arrived. I relaxed as I saw him, I set my mask below my chin as I opened my bag, revealed three candles. I lighted them, brought the flowers, put it in front of him and sat on the bench in front of him...

"Hey Hyung....." I smiled as I was facing him...

"It's been a long time huh?" I chuckled

"Too long...." I continued

"I learned to be less harsh to people, that's progress. Though the punching and other things remained, I couldn't get it outta my system...."

I inhaled the air around me, and closed my eyes. I slumped my back against the bench as I began talking again...

"Suga hyung and his friends came to visit from Daegu, though I haven't seen them in three years. Hoseok is still dorky, Namjoon is still silent and leader type, Taehyung still loves Princess..... And Jimin...."

I deeply sighed

"That fucking idiot still doesn't remember, and I don't know why!" I screamed

I suddenly felt something prickling in my eyes, I know what it is and I can't let it fall. I clutched my hair as I closed my eyes, trying to make myself calm....

"Hyung, I tried almost everything. Not even a sign of progress showed up, he still doesn't remember. I mean, it's been 5 years for fuck's sake!"

I stopped for a while and looked up to see my brother's grave....

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