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Elsa gasped as Dan's body hit the floor and tumbled down a few steps, immediately the little five year old girl ran to her brother's side. The seven year old boy just laid there on the stairs, motionless as she rushed over and tried to wake him up. Her eyes welled up with tears, as she saw a white streak forming in his brown hair. What had she done? Had she hurt Dan in some way? She didn't mean to it was an accident, she'd never ever want to hurt anyone ever.

"Mama! Papa!" She screamed as the tears rolled down her face, slowly the ice was forming around her and freezing the staircase. Her parents immediately came running over to them. Her mother screamed, before covering her face with her hands and looking on in shock while her father rushed to Dan.

"What did you do?" Asked her father, Elsa shook her head in fright.

" I didn't mean to papa, it was an accident...I'm sorry Danny, I really am please wake up." She cried, as her mother went over and held her daughter in her arms, whilst her husband picked up Dan.

"What're we supposed to do?" Asked Mrs. Howell, looking to her husband who stood there holding the shivering seven year old in his arms. The man was skeptical, and only believed in what he could see and science..but after his daughter having been born with ice powers, he had heard a rumor of a witch living nearby. He didn't think anything of it but...well, there was no choice in the matter was there.

The family got into the car and drove several miles north before finding their way to a small town.

" So you're telling me instead of taking Dan to a hospital we're taking him to some..some witch?" Asked Mrs. Howell incredulously.

"And what're we supposed to say, that this happened because our daughter who can conjure ice did something to him? They'll throw us in the asylum! no, we just have to hope for Dan's sake that this works." Said Mr. Howell, Mrs. Howell sighed, as she looked back at Dan on the seat, and Elsa next to him looking down at her hands.

Elsa sniffed, she loved her powers..they were so much fun...but they'd hurt Dan. Now, her parents were frightened and angry, and Dan...she just hoped he'd be ok. The little girl turned to Dan on the seat, leaning against the door so that it looked like he was asleep. She hoped that wherever they were going that they'd help. Finally, they stopped at a seemingly ordinary house, in an ordinary town and she wondered where they were. As they exited the car, Elsa looked up at the windows and saw an older boy at the window. Her parents rushed to the door and knocked on it fervently.

A little boy answered the door, rubbing his weary eyes as he looked up at the Howells.

"Phillip! how many times have I told you not to answer the door to strangers?" Asked an old woman, rushing over before turning to the Howells.

"May I help you?" Asked the woman.

" Yes, please our son...he needs help." Said Mrs. Howell, nearing tears, the old woman gently placed a hand on Dan's forehead and moved some of his hair out of the way, when she noticed the streak of white, as well as the little platinum blond haired girl hiding behind her father.

"Come in to the lounge before anyone sees, Phillip head back to bed." She replied, ruffling the other boy's hair. Phil groaned softly, before nodding and doing as he was told. The small family, made their way down to the lounge, filled with several antiques and old looking furniture. They set Dan down on the couch, where immediately the woman once again placed a hand on Dan's forehead.

"You're very lucky that it was not his heart...a frozen heart is trickier to heal than a frozen head. I shall need to remove his memories of magic as well, no need for him to be healed and fear his sister for the rest of his life. No, but don't worry instead of remembering magic, he will only remember the fun. As for you young one, were you born with these powers or cursed?" Asked the old woman curiously once she was finished with Dan.

"She was born with them." Said Mr. Howell.

"I see, listen to me young one your powers are something beautiful and extraordinary. But they are also dangerous, the more they grow the more you must learn to control them, lest you become something to fear and destroy. "Explained the woman, Elsa gasped, and clung to her father who wrapped his protective arms around her tightly. He looked to the old woman, who nodded gravely.

"No, she will learn to control it, we will protect her."He replied, she nodded and watched as the two family left.

Phil stood there at the top of the stairs the twelve year old knew that his grandmother was different, and that various people came to her with their problems. Never though, had she been as serious as that moment though. He wondered what was wrong with them, that they had to fear the girl? His grandmother went over and placed her hand on his forehead as she guided him to his room.

In the car, the Howells were relieved that Dan was now ok and more importantly alive.

" Elsa, we're going to have to lay some ground rules, from now on you will not go outside and remain at home where you will be homeschooled, don't ever tell Dan about your powers-"

Elsa nodded and listened as her parents told her what she could and couldn't do...her eyes cast downwards at her hands. Her powers were evil and bad, they would make people afraid of her or worse..she'd hurt someone without even meaning to. It was for the best to keep herself locked away, she thought as she looked at the white streak in Dan's hair. She remembered him lying there on the staircase because of her...and she knew that from now on, she couldn't play or do anything with Dan anymore. Not if she didn't want to hurt him.

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