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A/N: last part for a bit cause its 2:15 am and ya girl is writing these like as I type I'm actually working on four as I type this

"Elsa?" Said seven year old Dan as he went over to his sister's room across the hall and knocked on the door excitedly.

"Do you want to come hangout with me? C'mon lets go and play. I know you've been sad stuck in your room and I don't know why..but I think I know how to help you." Said Dan excitedly, his brown eyes looking on at the door before him. He didn't know why, but for the last few days Elsa had stayed in her room all alone, which struck him as odd ,considering how excited she'd been to play with him before. He thought she was sick at first, and that had been what his mother told him yesterday...but Elsa hadn't seemed sick, and she rarely came out of her room. No, there was something else Dan was sure of it maybehis sister was feeling sad and left out now that mum was pregnant again, maybe she just needed someone to play with. Whatever the reason, he wanted to make his sister happy.

" C'mon Elsa open the door, do you want to go outside it doesn't even have to be to play."

" Go away Dan." Said his sister's voice from the other side of the door harshly, Dan looked down dejectedly.

" Ok, bye." He replied, before walking away with his head hung down.

Elsa sniffed as she sat there on the bed, before going over to the window sill. She wished she could go play with Dan but she remembered why she couldn't...she didn't want to hurt him again. She bit her lip and looked out at the children playing in the street and wished she could join them, but her powers were dangerous. No, better that she stay inside her room where everyone else would be safe. She looked and saw Dan walk out of the house, the little girl pressed her hand against the glass and gasped at the frost that immediately formed on the window. She whimpered and ran out of the room to the kitchen where her mother was making lunch.

"Mummy, mum! on the window there was ice and..and I didn't mean to mummy I'm sorry." She cried, running to her mother, Mrs. Howell, immediately hugged Elsa and ran a hand through the frightened child's hair.

" It's alright dear, its alright there's no harm done the ice will melt." She replied softly, Elsa nodded as her mother tenderly wiped away her tears. It hurt her to see her daughter so frightened, when immediately an idea struck her. "Now go to your room, I'll be there later."

Elsa sniffed and nodded as she went up to her room, later her mother came in with some white gloves and gently placed them on her hands.

"There we are, see? now the ice won't come as easily just remember, conceal, don't feel, don't let it show." She replied, Elsa nodded and looked down at her gloves.

Fourteen year old Dan went over to his sister's room and knocked on the door, for what had to be the hundreth...thousandth..millionth...a lot of times. His sister rarely came out of her room anymore, and sure they rarely talked but he still loved her. He'd knocked several times, and always told her everything, and while he knew she wouldn't respond at least she knew he was there. It would be nice though, if she actually came out said a voice in the back of his mind, he didn't know why she was in there all alone, and although he had asked those questions were always left unanswered. She was left here with their grandma coming over when they went away on holidays, and she didn't join them for dinner...ever. Still, there was a small glimmer of hope in Dan's heart that maybe today would finally be the day.

Maybe today would be the day she finally opened the door, the day she came out and spoke with him, the day they'd be best friends again. He missed it when his sister would come in and they'd play or just talk about anything.

"Do you want to come hang out with me? I know you like to be alone ,but there's this really cool thing I'd like to show you called Youtube. It's kind of boring watching it all by myself and there's some things here I think you'd like." Said Dan enthusiastically, his smile slowly fading as once more Elsa didn't open the door. He sighed, and looked down at the ground..he was really sure she'd come out this time. He'd been hoping to appeal to any curiosity she might've had turned around and headed back to his room. Closing his own door behind him and sliding down so that he was seated on the ground.

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