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"Um, Phil..before we head over to the airport and meet my sister..there are a few things you should know." Said Dan, as he and Phil got there bags and waited outside, for the taxi to arrive. Phil immediately turned to Dan, and nodded..he'd never met his sister before, even during those time he'd gone over to Dan's house. He had never really, seen here or anything. So he was a tiny bit excited to know, about this mysterious sister of Dan's, he listened as Dan sighed and told him.

"Her name is Elsa and, she keeps to herself a lot...she's really quiet and reserved and she doesn't like it when people touch her. Nor does she like to show a lot of skin...she wears long sleeved shirts and gloves even in the summer, and she can come off as cold but..she's really nice and friendly...when she wants to be." Said Dan, looking down at the last part. Phil knitted his brow curiously.

"Why?" He asked curiously, Dan shrugged.

"Honestly I'm not sure, she wasn't like that when we were kids day she just..became different. "Said Dan looking down at the ground, Phil placed a hand on Phil's shoulder before his blue eyes found themselves to the white streak. He wondered if..whatever happened to make Elsa feel that way, also had to do with the white streak in Dan's hair. Dan smiled softly, and he smiled back. Once the taxi was there, they went to the airport and met up with Dan's parents and Elsa who was looking around the airport, quite nervously. There were a few things that Phil noticed though, she was blond for one, her hair was platinum almost white blond and her skin was incredibly pale. He recalled the Snow Princess story, and honestly if there was anyone who looked like the Snow Princess from the story it was Elsa. Dan went to his parents and greeted them with hugs, as Phil stood there.

He went over to Elsa and extended his hand out to her.

" Uh, hi I'm a friend of Dan's my name's Phil." He said cheerfully, Elsa smiled and politely shook it, knowing that as long as she had her gloves on, nothing bad would happen.

"I know, I've seen you in his videos and I heard you when you came over to our house." She replied politely, Dan looked from the corner of his eye, as Phil tried to initiate a conversation with Elsa..and he honestly, loved that they were getting on so well. They were two of the most important people in his life, so it was essential that they like each other. Finally, once his parents had finished questioning him, and lecturing him on taking are of his sister and to be safe. The hugged their children, and walked past Phil, before leaving. Phil looked down, when Dan placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

Dan went to get the tickets, when he bumped into someone.

"Oh, oops sorry I- Hi." Said Dan, as the auburn haired male turned and smiled to him. Immediately butterflies formed in the pit of his stomach, which hadn't happened since he'd first laid eyes on Phil.

"It's fine, it was my fault for being in your way. You headed to America too?" He asked curiously, Dan chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, um my friend, sister and I are going to California...I'm Dan Howell."

"Charles Westerguard, and what are the odds? I'm headed to California too...say you wouldn't happen to be a Youtuber would you?" Asked Charles curiously, and immediately Dan perked up slightly..though he'd never actually seen Charles before now. He nodded, and smiled feeling silly for acting this way over someone he'd just met.

"Yeah, my Youtube name is Danisnotonfire, what about yours?" He asked curiously.

" Well, if I tell you will you see my videos" He asked a slight flirtacious hint to his voice.

"Well, that depends, why should I?" He teased, making Charles chuckle as he looked Dan over and smiled at him. When he looked back and noticed that it was his turn to get tickets.

"Because it would give me an excuse to talk to you more, well...I suppose I'll see you later though. Dan..right?" He replied, Dan nodded.

"Y-yeah was nice meeting you Charles." Said Dan, Charles nodded, as he and Dan met each other's gazes and he found that...those feelings. The ones that were there, when he'd first talked to Phil over Skype and when he'd first started talking to him had resurfaced. Once Charles was done, he waved to Dan before heading off and Dan waved back with a smile on his face. He sighed, and after getting the tickets made his way back to Elsa and Phil.

"Whose your new friend?" Asked Phil, trying to keep his tone even. Elsa's eyes immediately darted to Charles...she didn't like him, not one bit. There was something about him she couldn't pin point that didn't feel...right. Still, she turned back to her brother talking to Phil. He was glowing and happy and...while she loved seeing him happy, she thought that maybe...just maybe he was going about this infatuation too fast.

That had been how it was with past girlfriends, Dan had a habit of mistaking infatuation for love at times she'd seen it happen before. He loved someone, and dearly only to have his heart broken and she didn't ever want that to happen again.

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