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Elsa maneuvered her way through the storm, when she heard the snow crunching as someone followed her. Immediately she turned around and saw Charles there, her eyes began to glow brilliant blue and the magic began to reveal itself. She didn't want to hurt anyone...except him...him she really wanted to hurt. He'd brought her back in chains, he'd made that rift between her and Dan, he'd caused the argument that started everything, he was dangerous she could feel it.

" Elsa, before you go...there's something I have to tell you." Said Charles, taking a step towards her. She glowered, and sent a few icicles his way which he immediately dodged.

" I don't want to hear anything from you!" She exclaimed, when he immediately stood there defiantly.

"Your brother is dead." He said, and immediately Elsa stopped...the glow and her powers was gone...she was left there stunned, no..it had to be a trick, he was lying...Dan couldn't be dead, he couldn't. She slowly shook her head, the tears stinging her eyes as he nodded and she gasped.

" I tried to save him, but it was too late...Dan is dead, because of you." Said Charles, Elsa's eyes widened. She remembered the blast back at the ice palace, and she knew...she'd frozen his heart and killed him. Her best friend was gone, and this time there was no magic that could save him...she shook her head, and broke down crying, wishing it was a lie, but deep in her heart she knew it wasn't. Dan was dead, and he wasn't coming back. She fell to the ground, in tears all around her..the snow and hail stopped in mid-air.

Dan groaned softly, as he looked around, when he saw Phil running towards him...he smiled softly, and slowly made his way towards him. He could feel his joints begin to lock up, and his fingers growing numb because of the cold. He swallowed the lump in his throat, and heard wailing which..well..it bothered him, he turned around, and he gasped, as Charles was ready to plunge the knife into Elsa's back. He gasped, and ran..it was hard..and there was pain, but he had to hurry..he had to stop it.

"No!" He exclaimed, as he got infront of Elsa and held his had out. When suddenly..everything became dark. Charles cried out, as once the blade shattered upon making contact with Dan's now frozen hand.

Phil gasped, and his eyes widened...he was too late. He sniffed and made his way over to Dan, and he felt his heart shatter..his best friend was gone...forever.

"Dan!" Exclaimed Elsa, she stood and immediately, went over to her brother..now a frozen statue. She gingerly cupped his face, and sniffed as tears trailed down her cheeks...she shook her head.

" Dan..I'm so sorry...I never meant to hurt you...I'm so sorry...I love you." Said Elsa as she hugged Dan, and cried onto his shoulder. He felt so cold and still...this wasn't how it was supposed to be...Dan was supposed to be safe and warm, not this...she felt Phil place a comforting hand on her shoulder, but she didn't want to let go...no..not this time. She wanted the earth to open up and swallow her whole.

Dan felt his chest began to get lighter and lighter..slowly..slowly the ice was melting. He could feel everything begin to defrost, someone's arms were wrapped around him but he didn't know who..was that..was that Elsa he heard? He gasped, as his vision returned and suddenly everything felt warm again. He sighed, and placed a hand on Elsa's shoulder. Elsa looked up, and her eyes widened.

"You're alive?" She replied in relief. Dan smiled and nodded and immediately both brother and sister embraced. Phil smiled, though he was confused as to how it happened..when he recalled what his grandmother said.

"An act of true love can thaw a frozen heart...Elsa, your act of true love saved him!" Exclaimed Phil excitedly.

"Love will thaw...that's it!" Said Elsa, a knowing smile on her lips. She closed her eyes and concentrated deeply..she thought of the people she loved, of how she wanted to get rid of the storm for them. Dan and Phil gasped as around them, the snow began to yield. They looked around and smiled, as the snow was going back up to the air. Everywhere, from the trees, the flowers, the buildings, the ocean. The ice cracked, and everything was feeling much warmer now. Phil went over and held Dan's hand, the two smiled at each other when the sun shone through the clouds once more.

The snow and ice formed a snowflake in the sky, which Elsa immediately dispersed.

The group turned to see Charles groan, as he slowly got up. He turned to see Dan , Phil, and Elsa there..clearly not amused.

" Well that was..that was an excellent show there..um..D-Dan, you honestly don't believe the things I said right? I mean that was all just a " He was cut off by both Dan and Phil punching him in the face. Both of them immediately were massaging their hands, before turning to each other and smiling once again. Elsa went over and took Phil's hand, before taking Dan's hand and linking them together.

"Wait um..are..are you ok with this?" Asked Phil, turning to Elsa who smiled at him.

"Yes Phil, I know that you and Dan are perfect for each other...I want you to be happy, together." Said Elsa, Phil smiled at her. Dan hugged his sister, who immediately hugged him back.

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