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A/N: wrote this at 2am last night let's see how bad this is

"Hey," Said Charles as he walked over to Dan, who promptly smiled back at him and blushed lightly. Charles extended his arm out, Dan looked at it awkwardly, the thing was...yeah, he thought Charles was cute, and Charles had been nice to him and all..but his heart belonged to Phil didn't it? After all, Phil was his best friend in the whole world, who'd saved him...surely that meant something..right? He turned back and saw Phil talking to Cat and smiling...he felt a twinge of jealousy, rise up and his heart hurt. Cat was just their friend...but...but what if Phil liked her? He turned back to Charles and smiled again, following John outside.

Vidcon was being held in Long Beach this year, due to how hot this summer was, and how close in proximity it was to the beach. In fact, he could see a few Youtubers out on the sand, the waves rushing in and out, as the air was slightly chilly. He turned to Charles, who smiled back at Dan.

" You alright? From what I heard, you and your sister were having a pretty heated discussion" Asked Charles.

"Oh, you heard?" Said Dan, feeling very embarrassed, he'd hoped no one else had heard him and Elsa. Charles nodded, and held Dan's hand, and the young Youtuber found the butterflies, began to dance again in his stomach.

"Yeah, I know how that feels, I come from a family of seven, three of my brothers pretended I was invisible...for two years." Said Charles, Dan smiled back at him sympathetically.

" Sorry, I don't exactly get along well, with my brother and sister brother hates me for something my fans did sister..."Dan paused, and looked down at the ground sadly. "My sister and I were best friend day, she just shut me out."

"Well, I would never shut you out." Said Charles sincerely, as he gently lifted Dan's chin up, and looked into Dan's brown eyes, he saw the hurt and pain reflected in them, and he wanted to remove that..wanted to take away everything that had ever hurt him, starting with his sister...yes, Elsa was the main reason, he'd seen it with his own eyes. First though...he had to gain Dan's trust, and his heart..and he knew just how to do that. He leaned in and kissed him.

"Can I say something crazy?" Said Dan as he parted from the kiss. " Up until recently, I've been shut out by so many people, I mean literally I've never had a best friend for the first eighteen years of my life until Phil came. He helped me through a really hard time and...and with you, it's like nothing I've ever felt a way."

" I was thinking the same thing, I've been searching my whole life, to find my place...and y'know maybe its the party talking...but with you, I think I've found that place...I've always believed that love is an open door..and I'd love for you, to be mine...would you consider, going out with me?" He asked, Dan smiled nodded before kissing again. But this time, while there were butterflies they weren't as strong as before. He just brushed that off, he was happy he had a boyfriend who loved him and who understood him.

"C'mon, I want you to meet my sister, and my other friends." Said Dan excitedly, Charles smiled and followed him inside. Past several other Youtubers before finally finding Elsa.

"Elsa, guess what! this is my boyfriend Charles" Exclaimed Dan enthusiastically. Elsa immediately stopped, wondering if she'd just heard her brother right, boyfriend? She wasn't against the idea of her brother having a boyfriend, but rather the idea of him having a boyfriend, when they'd only spoken for what five minutes at most? Where was Phil, surely he could talk sense into Dan, she thought as, Dan was talking all about how, he was going to bring Charles to meet thei parents, and tell everyone, and all of these things that...Elsa most definetly did not approve of.

" Dan, stop..ok, you've only known him for what a few minutes at most? how can you already say you're in love, don't you think you're moving a bit too fast? "Asked Elsa curiously.

"It's true love Elsa." Said Dan, still running on euphoria and adrenaline.

"And what do you know about true love exactly?" Asked Elsa, recalling all of the girlfriends Dan had had, and of his crush on Phil and now..this..person. Dan's jaw went slack, as he looked at his baby sister, the good and happy mood he'd had was now gone. He shook his head and felt years worth of anger and sadness about to explode.

" More than you, all you know how to do is push people away." He replied, though he'd regretted it the instant he'd said it when he saw how hurt she was.

" Well, if you'll excuse me then I'm going back to the hotel room..don't let me stop your perfect evening." Said Elsa harshly, before turning around.

"Elsa wait." Said Dan, immediately going to take her hand, when he accidentally removed her glove, immediately she gasped and reached for it.

"Dan give me my glove." Said Elsa, when Dan stepped away and held it away from her, she scoffed and whirled around on her heel. She'd get the glove later, right now she had to leave...she could feel her powers slowly beginning to manifest, with the sadness aching in her heart. She hadn't meant to say those things to her brother...but it was true. And if he was tired of it...then he could've just left her alone.

"What did I ever do to you?" Asked Dan, not caring if anyone was staring. This was years worth of pain, finally bursting forth. " Why do you shut people away? Why do you lock yourself away from the world?" He asked.

"Enough Dan." Said Elsa warningly, as Dan kept going.

"No, tell me why? what is it that you're so afraid of?" Asked Dan, Elsa shook her head.

"I said enough!" She exclaimed whirling around, gasping as shards of ice erupted from her hand, much to the shock and horror of everyone in the room. The music, and noise stopped and it was so quiet one could hear a pin drop. Dan's jaw dropped, as he looked at the shards of ice, before looking at Elsa. How long could she do this? He wondered, Elsa stood there frozen as everyone looked at her in fear. She immediately ran out of the room, and ran as fast and as far as her feet could carry her.

"Elsa? Are you alright?" Said Louise, as she , Zoe, and a few others were near the campfire. Elsa shook her head and backed away from Louise, going towards her to see what was the matter.

"No, no-no please just stay away, stay away!" She cried out in a panic, gasping as more ice shot from her hands and caused Alfie to slip on it and fall back as he tried to get out of the way.

"Monster! She's a witch!" She heard someone exclaim, and once again Elsa ran.

"Elsa!" Exclaimed Dan, Elsa ran ignoring Dan. She saw the water, and immediately it became ice under her feet..she took this opportunity to run, the ice forming under her feet..she didn't know where she was going, or even when she was going to stop running..all she knew, was that she was going away for good.

"Elsa!" Cried out Dan, as he stopped and saw his baby miles away, this was his fault. He'd been the one to push her away, he'd pushed and pushed and now he'd hurt her. Everyone murmered and mumbled as snow began falling from the sky and everything began to freeze over.

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