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phan happens don't worry.

Once at the hotel, Elsa was overwhelmed by just how many people were at Vidcon, she looked around in amazement as so many people were clamoring over her brother and Phil. She knew they had fans, but she didn't know there would be this many...then again, they were among some of the more famous Youtubers. She stopped, when a woman, with blond hair that was pink at the tips, she recognized as Louise glomped her brothers before turning to her in confusion. Immediately Elsa looked down at the ground, before slowly looking back up as Dan introduced her.

"Hi, I'm Louise, I'm a friend of your brother's."


Louise smiled, and immediately glomped, her and Elsa felt her skin begin to freeze up, from both the surprise and the struggle to conceal her powers.

"Um, Louise I-" Said Dan, trying to explain the no-touching thing when several more friends came. Louise was still hugging lsa, although she noticed the air around Elsa, was slightly chilled.

"Hi, I'm Cat! "Exclaimed another girl, Elsa gave a nervous smile and long as she had on her gloves, and her jacket her powers would be concealed, she just had to make sure to not let anything wrong move, then everyone would know the monster she really was.

"Guys, would you mind giving her some space? She doesn't like to be crowded." Said Dan, a slight protective edge to his tone.

" Seriously, the poor dear looks so scared, its alright no one here bites we promise." Said Byony, with a soft smile. Elsa smiled back, and nodded as Louise, and Cat backed off when more people came. She knew who these people were, amazed her to be in the same room as them. She'd only seen them, through a screen but it felt nice to be here, with them in the flesh. Even if she couldn't touch them.

"You know, you look cute when you smile." Said PJ teasingly, when a blush found its way to Elsa's face. Dan cleared his throat and lifted an eyebrow as he looked at PJ. Their group of friends laughed, at this.

"Uh oh, looks like Dan's entering big brother mode." Said Chris teasingly, Dan smiled and rolled his eyes affectionately. He liked it though, that Elsa was feeling comfortable enough with the other Youtubers to smile. Normally, she'd just push herself away from everyone and create as much distance as she was nice to see this rare side to her. After talking with their friends for a bit, they headed up to their room.

"Well here we are." Said Dan, as they entered and immediately Phil jumped on the bed.

"Really Phil?" Asked Dan with a small chuckle. Phil smiled back at him, and rolled his eyes playfully.

"Yes Dan I must, it is the way of the Lester!" He exclaimed dramatically, making Dan laugh and look back at him. He felt those familiar butterflies return, and...honestly he was slightly confused. Immediately, he pushed those thoughts from his mind and looked to his sister huddled in the corner.

"C'mon Elsa, jump on the other bed, it's fun!" Exclaimed Dan excitedly as Phil immediately jumped off of the bed, and went over to her.

"C'mon, you'll have a blast trust me." Said Phil with large grin on his face, Elsa looked down at his hand before looking up at him. She'd youched his hand before but...right now she was still reeling from all of those people, est not..she didn't want to hurt him if she lost control. She shook her head, and politely excused herself before heading to her room and closing the door. Dan sighed, and looked down at the ground in disappointment. Phil immediately went over, and sat next to Dan.

"Don't worry Bear..she'll come around."Said Phil, Dan looked up at the door. He hoped so.

The rest of the day, Elsa stood there to the side, as Dan and Phil were at meetups and signings. She smiled and waved graciously, at a few people who waved at her..she could hear a few people wondering who she was, and how she knew Dan and Phil. Most however, paid little mind to her and went to have pictures taken and receive hugs from Dan and Phil. She smiled softly, at how happy Dan was and how in his element he was...yet it was so strange to think that her brother, was beloved by so many people. She turned to Phil and she noticed the small looks he gave Dan...and immediately Elsa knew.

She could tell that Phil had more than friendly feelings towards her brother.

Finally, day one of Vidcon was over, and while she wanted to go back to the hotel room. Her parents had told her to stick to Dan...who was with Phil enroute to a Youtube party. She stood there, awkwardly looking out at all of the people laughing, vlogging and having a blast.

"So..this is what a party looks like." Said Elsa, as Dan joined her.

"Yeah, nice isn't it?" He asked, smiling at his sister, who smiled back and nodded. She sniffed, and sighed. " Is that chocolate?"

"Yes it is, what's that smell?" She asked, as a rather delectable odor made its way into her nostrils. Dan chuckled in response and nodded. He motioned to the table where there was a chocolate fountain, amongst other confections, and beverages. She smiled softly, when a memory appeared in her mind, she looked up at Dan.

" Remember that one Christmas, when you tried to put a Malteaser in everyone's stocking and it melted?" She asked with a teasing smile, Dan laughed in response recalling the chocolatey mess.

" Or the time you decided it would be a good idea to eat the pie mum made, and then you blamed it on Bangi?" Asked Dan, with a small chuckle. Elsa laughed in response, as the memory returned and the air became light and cheerful. Dan smiled softly, and looked down at his little sister.

" Y'know..I wish we could go back to the good times we had as kids, I remember we used to have a lot of fun together..and we were really close." Said Dan, maybe this would be it. Maybe this would finally, be the time to tell Elsa how much he missed her. Elsa smiled at him. and nodded.

"I miss them too." She replied. When her eyes found the spot where she knew the white streak was, and she remembered just why they couldn't have that time back. "But it can't be like that."

"But-" Said Dan, as he reached out to her, when she backed away from him almost immediately.

"We just can't alright? now drop it!" She replied, immediately regretting it, when she saw the hurt look in Dan's eyes. Dan nodded, and walked awa from his sister...he didn't know why he even bothered. Th older Youtuber ighed, knowing that any attempts to get near his sister and talk to her were futile. Just as they had been all those years, Phil was wrong for once in his life and Dan wished he wasn't. He stopped, when he saw Charles smile and wave to him.

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