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here's a little update for my fren unlit_firefly cause they like this story

"So...why did Elsa run off?" Asked Phil, as he and Dan made their way through the freezing snow. Olaf was romping around, playing in the snow, while following Phil and sticking close to him. Dan sighed, and looked down at the ground...he knew Phil wouldn't judge him at least, and he could always tell him anything.

"We got into a fight and...I said somethings I shouldn't have..." Said Dan, replaying last night i his head over and over. "I kept pushing her over and over, and...I even took her glove from her, she always wore these and I always wondered why and now...now I understand a lot of things I should've. Now she's lost and its all my fault."

Phil gently placed a hand on Dan's shoulder and offered him a sympathetic look.

"I was a massive prick to her...when we find her I'm going to apologize. I should've understood her a long time ago and...-"

"And you can't keep blaming yourself Dan, you didn't know making her mad would cause her to create an eternal winter did you? Yes, you should've understood her then, but you didn't..but its not too late to set things right. People make bad choices, when their mad or scared...but I'm sure that if you tried talking to her. You'll be able to set things right." Said Phil, Dan sighed and nodded as he smiled softly at Phil.

" What was the fight even about anyway?" Asked Phil curiously.

"She didn't like Charles and...looking back that was such a stupid thing to fight over, "Said Dan, as he took out her blue glove from his pocket.

Phil bit back what he was going to say, about how he kind of agreed with Elsa on that one, when he noticed the glove his eyes widened when immediately, he took it and called Olaf over.

"Phil, what're you doing?" Asked Dan curiously.

"Olaf's a dog right? maybe he can follow Elsa's scent and lead us to her." Said Phil, as he knelt down and held the glove out to Olaf. Dan bit his lip, hoping he was right. Olaf, went over, his tail wagging as he sniffed the glove. The tiny puppy, immediately sniffed around, and barked as he rushed in a direction. Dan and Phil immediately went after him, they ran down a pathway, and stopped after a few miles when they saw the large palace made of ice atop the mountain. Dan's jaw dropped, as he and Phil shared a look.

"How are we going to get all the way over there?" Asked Dan, Phil looked back at Dan.

"Climbing?" Said Phil, Dan's jaw dropped as Phil gave him a small grin, Dan groaned. Telling himself that this was worth it, this was his baby sister, whom he loved very much. Surely he wasn't that out of shape that he wouldn't scale a mountain for her right? Dan sighed and nodded, Olaf hopped from stone to stone, as Phil climbed down carefully, Dan was next when he slipped on a rock, and almost fell. Phil immediately grabbed Dan's hand, and held him steady.

"I've got you Dan!" Exclaimed Phil, Dan looked up and smiled at Phil.

"You always do." Said Dan with a small smile, before climbing down, Phil furrowed his brows and climbed down where Olaf was waiting for them, before turning to Dan.

"What did that mean?" He asked curiously.

"You're always helping me and saving me from some type of peril, whether it an existential crisis or falling off a fucking mountain...I'm just sorry you have to put up with it." Said Dan apologetically, Phil shook his head and hugged Dan tightly.

"I do it because I love you, you're my best friend in the whole world...I don't want to lose you." Said Phil, Dan hugged him tightly and smiled softly.

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