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(Someone make me sleep I've been writing oneshots and parts to my stories since 2am)

Present Day

"Are you done packing?" Asked Phil, as he popped his head in whilst Dan laid on the couch in his "internet position" scrolling through Tumblr. Dan looked up, curiously...packing for what he wondered for a split second when he remembered what exactly was coming up. He immediately set the laptop down and rushed to his room.

"I will take that as a no." Said Phil, with a small chuckle as he followed after him.

"God damn it! leave it to me to leave all the packing, for literally the day before we're supposed to leave for Vidcon!" Exclaimed Dan, grabbing his suitcase, and stuffing various clothes, books and whatever else he'd need for the big Youtube event. Phil leaned against the doorway and smiled softly, he'd told Dan several times to pack in advance but...of course Dan didn't listen. Dan immediately pointed to Phil.

"And don't you dare say I told you so." He replied, as Phil chuckled.

"I wasn't going to, now calm down a bit Dan you have plenty of time." Said Phil, as he went over and helped Dan pack up. Dan sighed and gave Phil a grateful smile, making Phil blush and smile back at him. It was amazing, how after five years of knowing each other the feelings he'd held for Dan were still so strong. The younger youtuber was his best friend, and he loved everything about him...if only he felt the same way thought Phil. That was ok though, he was happy with the way things were.

"I'm just a bit sad that Vidcon's taking place on my sister's birthday." Said Dan, tomorrow was his sister's twenty first birthday and it would be the first year he wouldn't be there. Not that she'd notice since he literally only came down for cake and presents before retiring to her room, but honestly. He felt bad about it, he looked up as Phil jumped up excitedly.

"I have an idea! Why don't you invite her over to Vidcon!" Exclaimed Phil.

"What? Phil, she's going to say no, and besides I can't just invite her over at the last minute." Said Dan, Phil sat back down on the bed and pressed his lips together.

" Well, she can come as your plus one, besides think of all the fun she'll have on her birthday in America tomorrow! Not to mention the fact, that this is a chance for you two to finally talk." He replied, his blue eyes looking into Dan's. He knew that Dan's relationship with his sister was..complicated from what Dan told him, and he thought that this would be a good opportunity for both brother and sister to patch things up. Dan sighed, and looked down at the ground.

While he would love to bring Elsa, he knew she would never come out of her room and go halfway across the world to another country, and after what happened with his brother he didn't want them to go anywhere near his sister...but maybe she'll open that door. Said the tiny voice, and that hope that he was sure had died long ago resurfaced. He looked at Phil and nodded, maybe he wold take the chance...maybe for the first time in forever, they'd be like real siblings again.

"Oh, um by the way you might want to dye this." Said Phil, motioning to the white streak beginning to show itself.

"I swear this thing doesn't want to stay brown." Said Dan in annoyance as he went to the bathroom ignoring the sound of Phil chuckling. He got out the hair dye, and tried to dye it while calling his parents. He told them his plans, and stood firm in wanting to take Elsa out for once in their lives, all the while his parents tried to convince him otherwise.

"No, mum listen I promise I will watch over her, I will be the amazing brother I am and keep her safe. Nothing bad will happen as long as I'm there, ok? Plus she's turning twenty-one tomorrow she should get to experience life in the outside world at least once...yes mum, this is me Dan." Said Dan, giving Phil a look as he tried not to chuckle at the last part. After a moment of silence, his parents relented.

"But you will call me when you get there, yes? Alright, love you darling." Said Mrs. Howell, who went upstairs and knocked on Elsa's door. Elsa opened the door, and looked up at her mother.

"Yes mother?" She asked softly.

" Pack your things, you're going to go with your brother to America tomorrow." Said her mother, Elsa's eyes widened and slowly the doorknob began freezing over as she gripped it tightly.

"What?" Said Elsa nervously. "Mother I..I can't wh-what if I hurt Dan or someone else or-" Elsa stopped when the crackling of ice, caused her to let go of the doorknob which had frozen over entirely. Her mother looked at her sympathetically, and she knew that it wasn't Elsa's fault, that maybe if they hadn't raised her to fear her powers she wouldn't be this way. It was however, much too late.

"Sweetheart, you're going to be just fine. Remember conceal it, don't feel it, put on a show for them and wear your gloves at all times. " Said her mother, Elsa nodded and looked down at her hands hoping that no one would find out.

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