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Charles chuckled, as Dan was left stunned and speechless...he'd trusted him, told him things that not even Phil knew...he'd even fought with his own sister, and started this whole mess...he'd hurt Elsa over him...when she'd been right about him all along. He shook his head and looked up at him in disbelief.

"You said you loved me..." Said Dan softly.

" I did, but I didn't mean it...y'know Dan, I knew you were stupid, I never thought you were so gullible." Said Charles, with a slight chuckle. He went over to the window, and stared out, at the blizzard outside. Dan looked over, he gasped lightly, at the gloves and broken icy chains on the floor. Immediately he looked up, Elsa had been there..and honestly right now, Dan feared the worst.

" You see Dan, you and I..we're a lot alike, I much like you watched all of these people and the things they did...the fame it got them and...I even watched you, I admired how someone like you could just befriend someone like Phil and be a part of their group. Of course, they'd never accept me..what happened with you ad Phil was a one time thing...a happy little accident." He replied with a small chuckle, Dan narrowed his eyes and glared at him.

" I did try...but at most, I'm a D-list youtuber, not even worth looking at or noticing..so I got an idea...why not get in with one of the bigger Youtubers? That's when I saw you and Phil, with Elsa...well, I knew immediately then who I'd pick." He replied, Dan let out a shaky breath as the cold was rushing through him fast. Charles lightly lifted Dan's chin upwards, and smirked at Dan's now almost frosted blue eyes.

" My choice...was Phil, because it's Phil who has the connections, whose been doing this longer, who literally had all of these opportunities handed over to him, but who had to give it all up because of you. The only reason I went after you, was because you took the bait. I was going to stage an accident for you later on...comfort Phil, over the death of his only friend and...in time, Phil would've grown to love me instead." He replied, Dan groaned, as he tried to get up. Only to fall of the bed, he glared up at Charles and clenched his hands tightly into fists.

" Ph-Phil will never, ever love you...you don't...don't deserve someone like him...Phil is everything that's good in the world...and I'm not going to l-let you hurt him." Said Dan, glaring up at him. Charles chuckled, as he cupped Dan's face.

"Oh Dan, you can try...but well, you're the one who brought your witch of a sister here, you unwittingly brought the winter and sealed your fate. I figured, that she'd off you off instead...although to be fair, I was going to liberate you of her...dispose of her, and possibly even your brother...so that you'd never have to deal with your horrible siblings again...at least, until I did away with you." He replied, Dan's eyes widened. He'd almost let this monster into his loved one's lives...he slowly tried to sit up.

" I'm going to stop you...I'm not ever going to let you hurt the people I love." Said Dan, Charles chuckled as he looked down at Dan.

" You already have, I'm going to take a knife..and drive it into the witch's back...and I'll bring her lifeless corpse back, just for you...well, if you don't freeze to death before then." He replied, Dan gasped, as Charles closed the door. Dan shook his head, and groaned coughing as the ice was making his throat hurt. He groaned lightly, and felt the tears sting his eyes.

Olaf came out, and went over to Dan and gave a small whimper.

"Oh Olaf...I ruined everything...I was so stupid, and now look what happened...I hurt Elsa and caused her to summon an eternal winter. I...I believed Charles loved me, and he was only using me to get to Phil...he was even planning on killing Elsa and Adrian...and me...maybe he should've succeeded with that one...all I've ever done is cause trouble..." Said Dan, with a small sniff. He sighed, as Olaf whimpered and licked him making him chuckle.

" I should've listened..." He groaned lightly, and tried to stand up. Olaf barked, and immediately tried to scratch at the door as if calling for help, before going over to the window. The little dog then noticed the stairs, and ran over to Dan and barked before, hopping to the door and back. Dan looked over, and saw the staircase. He smiled softly.

"Good work," He replied, turning over to Olaf who panted and wagged his tail.

Dan felt the ice, and he knew he didn't have much tie left..but Elsa and Phil were out there..and he had to protect them from Charles..somehow.

Phil and Sven entered the hotel, looking everywhere when Phil saw Charles leaving. Immediately he ran after him, Charles looked back and saw Phil was after him. He smirked and dashed out into the blizzard..he just had to find Elsa, and all of this would be over soon.

phrozenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें