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last part kids

"Ugh!" Exclaimed Charles, as he was tossed into the back of a police car. He pressed his face against the window and glared up at the two Green brothers.

"Sorry about that, but attempted murder is grounds for being exempt from Vidcon." Said John, as Hank and Dan were trying to tell the police officer what had happened, and just what he'd been planning..while also trying to keep Elsa's secret...well...a secret. Dan and Phil had talked to the other Youtubers, and they'd agreed to keep her powers a secret as well, there was no telling what would happen if it got out that Elsa had been the one to cause the winter.

"And I'm sure once Youtube gets word of this, they'll remove your partnership, so guess that leaves you out of a job as well." Said Hank, once he and Dan were done.

"No, wait, I-I didn't mean it, I...I was afraid, yes I..I wasn't really going to kill her." Said Charles, before turning to Dan. "Dan you believe me right?"

"You have problems...big ones and you need to get help. And y'know, I've always felt that help for people like you, is an open door." Said Dan, with a cheeky smirk.

"Sorry about your jetski." Said Phil, as Sven looked on at the now frozen and unable to work jetski...apparantly, Ice was fine, a mixture of sand and snow however? Wasn't, Sven sighed and shrugged, when Phil smirked and placed a hand on Sven's shoulder.

" To make up for it though, we all chipped in, and ta-da!" Exclaimed Phil, as he motioned to a new Jetski near the water, with Cat and Zoe presenting it. Sven's eyes widened as he looked over at Phil who smiled and nodded.

"Is..no, no I can't accept this it-"

"Is payback for all your help, so no returns, refunds or anything of the sort...think of it as a thank you, we couldn't have done any of it without you." Said Phil with a small smile, Sven smiled back at him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks Phil." Said Sven.

"It's the latest model, comes with a new paint job, great acceleration and speed and..comes with a cup holder." Said Cat, with a small smile. Sven chuckled, as he hopped on.

"You want a ride?" He asked, Cat smiled and hopped on. Phil chuckled, as did Zoe, who went over to Phil.

"So, happy endings all around?" She asked, Phil smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, Elsa said she'd keep Olaf since our flat won't allow pets...and thankfully, the fans don't assume Elsa did it. They think that it really was some sort of freak snowstorm." He replied, Zoe smiled and nodded.

" About that..are you going to tell them?" She asked curiously.

" Dan and I have to talk about that...but for now, lets just enjoy this day." He replied with a small smile. She nodded knowing where he was coming from, after their incredibly two and half days, the time for important conversations like that was later, for now they could enjoy their last day here in California.

They looked up, as Dan called them over. They entered the small Youtuber Party lounge, Elsa smiled and made the floor turn into ice, before making it snow in the room, and a few ice columns form. She looked to Dan and smiled softly, as he went over, and nearly tripped.

"Woah, sorry.." He said with a small chuckle. " I'm incredibly clumsy...I do like this though, you being open."

"And I'm never shutting anyone out again." She replied, smiling up at him, they smiled and hugged each other. Before Dan went over to Phil, who smiled and kissed Dan. Dan kissed him back, and hugged him tightly, they parted and looked into each other's eyes.

"I love you Bear." Said Phil, when he noticed. " Hey, Dan, the streak in your hair is gone."

"Is it? Huh, I guess the magic got rid of all the frost inside of me..still, it's better." He replied with a small smile, before kissing Phil again. "I love you too Phil."

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