Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Eve snapped around and bared her teeth at the intruder.

The familiar man tsked at her, "Now, is that how you treat your guests? Someone outta show you some manners."

He flicked his wand causing Eve to go flying back against the tree before slumping onto the ground. Her iris' glowed brighter as she glared at the mutated man. Claws where his fingernails should be and a nasty smile on his distorted face.

"How lovely to see you again. Where's your little friend? The redhead? She looked absolutely delicious," the werewolf-man taunted.

Eve snarled at him, shooting her hands up, vines tangling up his legs.

"Oh that's cute," he waved his wand and the vines sizzled and fell, whimpering away, back into the ground. He chuckled at her, throwing another spell her way, yet she blocked.

Blows were thrown between the two, one never overpowering the other. Cuts and scraps marred them both as they continued to fight, neither growing tired.

He sent spell after spell after Eve. Many of them Dark, some Unforgivable. She continued to block, throwing her own magic his way. Vines continued to grow out of the ground, their thorns cutting at his skin but never doing much damage. She threw him back multiple times, but he would always come back stronger.

And, throughout the entire thing, he continued to taunt her. Mostly saying things about Lily, and how he'd love to have his way with her. How he'd love to hear her scream. It only fueled Eve with anger, causing her to not think, just do. Which was what he was planning on.

Her attacks became more sporadic as he went strategic. Throwing carefully placed curses and jinxes her way as she went in for the kill. Eve through anything and everything she had at him, drawing more and more power from the tree behind her, but she was growing tired.

Her magic was surplussing, but her energy was draining. Eve was getting closer and closer to exhaustion, but the tree and her urge to protect Lily kept her standing. Though, at one point, her exhaustion got the best of her and he hit her with an Unforgivable.

She let out painful screams, her nerves on fire as pain raced through her body. Memories of it happening before, just like this, in the same exact spot, performed by the same man. Though, this time, Lily wasn't their to save her.

The man let out a horrid laugh as he neared her, his face pulled into a smirk as she dropped to her knees and screamed out in agony. "No Mudblood to save you now, eh, Faery? What are you gonna do without your little pet to save the day. Crucio!" She arched her back in pain as she screamed to the stars.

The dead stars that she could still see as tears ran down her face. The nonexistent stars that still existed. They, in their complex simplicity, were the only witness to her torture. She screamed in pain, and her scream rang through the forest. Unicorns ran, along with the Hippogriffs that lived there. Even Aragog and his clan refused to go near the tortured screams.

Eventually, though, the pain came to an end as the man lowered his wand, smirking at the young girl. He raised it once more, ready to deliver the final blow. He shouted the spell and fired shot from his wand, engulfing the Faery and the tree behind her. Eve's pained screams came from within, but soon enough, they died out.

And as the fire fell flat, the man was left to stare at the flowers and vines that stood in her place, a momentum to her pain, copying her last moments as the tree behind her stood tall and proud, bland of any runes. Only one thing stood on the tree, burned their forever by this terrible fiend.

One word.


Fae In The Fire, lily evans ✓Where stories live. Discover now