Graduation trip paranormal experiences [creepy/2013]

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Again, this happened during my middle school years. I just realized a lot has happened throughout those two years, and that I was a dark child then.

So, this happened during the graduation trip of grade eight, and this happened at the end of the school year, the end of June. The whole grade went and we were there for two nights. All the girls were in this one long cabin, with a long bathroom in the back. The walls were bordered up between the bathroom, so all the girls wouldn't mess around and run in eachother's rooms. I know that doesn't make sense, but the cabin was oddly built like that.
I also heard it was built in the early 1900s too and that soldiers or something stayed there, but I'm not too sure.

So, it was the first night and there were about twelve girls in our room. In the late evening, a bunch of the girls in other rooms managed to break free from the barriers, so it was complete chaos and full of girls running around everywhere. For some reason, all the girls in my room ran out (which I followed for some reason). Someone (I think) shut off the light in our room, so I remember turning back and looking in the room once more.

I saw a short white figure of what it appeared to be a young male about our age (11-12). He seemed to be crossing his arms and he was standing in the middle of the room, staring at us as we all ran out.
I don't remember what we all did after that, but soon after, we were all in our room again and all the barriers were closed once more. I slept on the bottom bunk near the bathrooms. That ghostly figure would have been a few feet away from me.

The next morning, one of my other roommates told us that there was a large shadow crouched on the bottom bunk next to my bed. Many of the girls didn't believe her, but I kinda believed her. I mean, I already saw something the night before. I also didn't tell anyone about it.
But I don't know if that girl was lying or not, or if she was just joking.

The last paranormal experience from that graduation trip was that I was walking to one of the buildings with my friend in the evening for dinner or something, and we were a few minutes late, so we were the only ones outside. We both heard loud stomps behind us before we both started running to the building. I also wanted to mention that there wasn't anyone behind us. We turned around after we heard those steps and nobody was there.

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