Dragon Blood

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〰 Daenerys Stargeryn 〰

Meanwhile in Winterfell, the Stargeryn house is waking up to a new and beautiful day.

"Mommy, wake up!!!", my six year old twin sons jump on the bed bouncing up and down

"Yeah, mommy, get up!!", my youngest son, Eddard who of five, Araelle:four, Daena:three Arlya:two; cheered climbing up on Jon's and I King size bed. 

Stretching as much as my eight month pregnant belly would allow. I rolled over to face my wide awake six children. I still can't believe I am a mother of six and soon to be seven. I never thought I would have these many children. Hell, if I'm honest I didn't know I would have any at all concerning what happen with my first son.

Looking at our six children with black or silver hair and my violet eye color, they are a prefect blend of Jon and myself. I thank the old gods every night for blessing us with such a large loving family. Something I have always waited since I could remember the large house with the red door and lemon tree outside my window, the childhood I never known. The childhood my children and there children would know.

Speaking of my husband, "Good morning to you too. Where is your father?", I asked scanning the chamber for my husband presence.

"Father is in a meeting with Uncle Giantbane and Mi'Lady Giantbane", both of my twin sons announced as they pushed one another trying to out do the other.

Shaking my head smiling as I watch them start a argument over who is the strongest and the oldest, "Stop with the fighting boys or else I tell your father", both boys immediately stop with their bickering.

"Please don't tell father, it was Gaemon not me that started it", screeched Maegon in his defense.

Pushing Maegon with all his strength, Gaemon cried, "Liar it was you!!! You started the fight because I'm stronger and taller then you!!"

"In a dragons eye your taller then me", Maegon protested

"Well you two shut up!!! I'm the taller one and strongest", Eddard said wanting to join into the fight

"No!! I am", shouted Daena with Arlya picking at the flowers in her hair

"Okay, everyone quite!!! Take this fighting out I need to get dressed", I hiss getting a head ache form the constant fighting form the boys and my one tomboy daughter

"Sorry mama", my sons and daughter all cried as they hurried out of the chamber but not before hugging me goodbye.

Turning around to see my handmaidens smiling at me and advisor Missandei shaking her head, "Are you sure you want more children, Your Grace?"

"Yes but by the Gods no more boys!! All they do is fight and argue day in and out", I said shaking my head with a smile as I reach untying my hair

"Yes but by the Gods no more boys!! All they do is fight and argue day in and out", I said shaking my head with a smile as I reach untying my hair

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