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〰️ Lady Dorna Lannister 〰️

It's been two full months and I still can't believe my own flesh and blood went behind my back and married that Northern she wolf. Slamming my hand down on my desk I couldn't help be growl in frustration at the potential danger he put us all in by this dense decision. And now to make matters worst my cousin is now here pissed that her daughter as been passed over.


Sighing heavily, "You may enter"

My office chamber door cracked open and then closed. Glancing up I come face to face with Jeyne Lannister, the very reason why my ally when up in flames.

"What are you doing here?!", I hissed, "Haven't you done enough!!"

Squaring out her shoulders, "I come here to make peace with you. I am your daughter in law....a Lannister now and I will do anything to protect my family if you just give me the chance, lady mother", Jeyne says with edge tone to her voice

Arching an eyebrow at her strong words I had to admit I was a bit impressed for the once scared little girl to speak to me with such brawniness, but that still doesn't wash out the fact our ally is in an up roar about this marriage.

Without warning my chambers door flow open revealing my cousin,"Your son is an imbecile!!!", lady Joanna hissed with angry

Without warning my chambers door flow open revealing my cousin,"Your son is an imbecile!!!", lady Joanna hissed with angry

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Eyeing Jeyne with hatred, "And you!! The Northern slut that slithered her way into his bed", Lady Joanna taunt

Not liking her words towards my son or Jeyne even though I don't like her. No one talks about my family in such away.

"Imbecile!!! You will watch what you say about my son and daughter in law dear cousin for it may be your last", I growl back standing up from my chair

"So now you jump to the wolf's defense!"

"She's a Lannister now! And I will protect my family from any danger, even form another rogue lion"

Narrowing her eyes at me, "Is that a threat, cousin", she spit

Arching an eyebrow, "Take it as you wish but know you have been warned"

Suddenly she chuckled with a wicked grin on her face, "You dare to threat me?! I am your blood and more importantly an vital ally to you. Your son as burned enough bridges with this uncivil marriage. So you should be careful with what words you use dear sweet cousin. This war with the mad lioness is getting bloodier as we speak and I won't want to be catch without powerful allies"

Before I could get the chance to speak up, Jeyne snarls in angry. Something I have never seen in her before. Maybe being a Lannister as given her strength, only time will tell if she can survive this game of thrones.

"Powerful allies!!", Jeyne hissed sarcastically with a smile, "You are just as vulnerable as all of us. So let's not amuse oneself other wise. Or else you will be fooling yourself. We are all disposable to that deranged bitch!!"

"Look here child....", Lady Joanna started to say but was quickly cut off by Jeyne

"I am not a child and haven't been for two months now", Jeyne states with a smirk, "And speaking of powerful allies House Stargaryen sends there blissing to me on my wedding and gifted me gowns and jewels fit for a royal princess", she adds making Joanna shut her mouth completely due to her contact with King Jon and his late Stark family.

Rolling her eyes with annoyance, lady Joanna knows just as much as I know that Jeyne is personally familiar with King's Jon's late family and he will do anything to protect his dead close family friends. So with great irritation she nods grudgingly.

A small smile grew on my face at the realization. I had forgotten Jeyne was close friends with Sansa Stark years ago before both of them was sold off. And it's seems like King Jon hasn't forgotten about her even though it's been years. This could go in our favor in the future wars to come.

"Now if your done with the back and forth we can solve this issue", Jeyne says as he places her hand on her hip with a look of annoyance

"Now if your done with the back and forth we can solve this issue", Jeyne says as he places her hand on her hip with a look of annoyance

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Lady Joanna and myself couldn't help but stare at Jeyne in awe at her bravery and wise words. Maybe my son made a wise choice after all.

"What do you have in mind, lady Jeyne Lannister", Lady Joanna ask with interested

Turning to me, "Don't take this as a sleight lady mother but didn't your passed husband have another son in his first marriage before she passed away", turning to lady Joanna, "Your daughter could marry him and become lady of Hornvale"

The shocked and taking back look I was given was nothing match to the outrage look Lady Joanna was given Jeyne. She can't be serious, that would cause more problems then solve.

Rolling her eyes at the both of us, "I know you both don't like the idea but that is the only way of keeping our alliance. Your daughter will be marrying an Lannister as you wish and you will finally be able to get rid of your husbands first born without blood shed"

I have to admit that wasn't a bad plan but would it work and more importantly would lady Joanna go for it.

"So let me get this straight you want my daughter to marry her died husbands bastard!", she screamed

"His not a bastard!! His mother and father was married. His a lawful son, it's not his fault his mother dead giving birth to him and his grandfather alluded his son's marriage", Jeyne shouted

"This can't possibly be happening"

"Just met him and decided then before you just write him off", Jeyne said at Lady Joanna as she started to walked out of the chambers.

"What is the boys name?", she spits out before walking out of the chamber

"Leith Lannister, Mi'lady Joanna", Jeyne replied happy that she at least asked for his name

Blowing out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Jeyne is clever but still stupid. My cousin will not go for this but then again she might if this looks in her favor.

"You are either smart or stupid. Either way my cousin will be paying close attention to you now", I warned

Turning back towards me with a detached facial expression, "Good. At least now she knows I am not to be tested. Whether that's good or bad", Jeyne states taking me by surprise

Turning to leave, Jeyne stain gown brushes against the stones floors as she leaves the chamber, this once little girl has truly changed. I will confess becoming an Lannister as done her wonders. I think as I start to write a letter requesting Leith Lannister to come to Casterly Rock as soon as possible.

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