Enemies Child

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〰️ Jamie Lannister 〰️

Waking up in the morning laying next to my wife, is an odd feeling. Rolling to my side, I find myself staring and feeling an queer yearning for her. Shaking my head as I turn to stare at the painted ceiling trying to plunge that feeling down before it took root and sprout.

As the months ticked by I find myself drawn to Eloisa more but nothing could compare to the love I feel for Cersei. Cersei has my heart and soul, for her I am willing to butcher Kingdoms just to see her smile. Grinning to myself, as the sick thought cross my mind. What does that make me then, a fool that was just as violent as her.

Blowing out the breath I didn't know I was holding, I find myself at odds as I eyed my sleeping wife. My father would be pride that I took an wife, hell he would be even prouder that she was an Lannister. I just couldn't find the joy in it, especially since my heart belong to Cersei....my sister.

Suddenly my mothers voice, ringed in my head, "Eloisa is your wife and you should at least treat her with respect. If not as a wife then a Lannister. Your father and I thought you better then this, Jamie".

Reaching out to brush a fallen strain of blonde hair form her face, I couldn't find any flaw within the poor girl; and I had tried desperately to do so. Especially with her sleeping so peacefully, and I would be fool to deny her beauty and kind heart but she wasn't Cersei. Eloisa was slowly growing into an infectious plague that threatened to change my very nature. And I find myself growing protective of her, I think as I turn over in bed and watch her naked chest take in another deep breath.

Just last night I found pleasure in taking Eloisa again and again as her soft body mold to mines, as our sweaty bodies collide in bliss. Turning my eyes back to my sleeping naked wife, I yearn to feel her body pressed against mines as I feel her tight wet walls milk me for my seed. Speaking of seed, I have taken her as my wife many times since our wedding two months and I am sure soon my seed will take root. I just dread seeing Cersei's or Eloisa reaction to such a pregnancy.

I still remember when Cersei threatened the poor beautiful lady Mary of House Marbrand. Telling her that I would take one other and father no children from anyone that was beneath my Lannister station. She even went further I said she will slowly kill the mother and child if such a thing happened. After that no other lady dared to question or ask about my hand in marriage. Beside the Mad King, Aerys II Targaryen made sure of that when I was made into a Kings guard.

Sighing heavily, as I seat up in bed and place my bare feet on the cold stone floors of our bed chamber, did I hear a soft moan escape Eloisa lips.

Soon words followed behind, "Are you leaving so soon, Mi'Lord?", she said breathlessly

"I have to get ready for another long day. We are heading in two months to high garden to take it back. Kings Landing citizens are hungry and it's Queen would like to see them feed",

Leaning up off the bed as the blankets expose her bare chest, "Oh....Queen Cersei wishes this?", Eloisa questions a bit with sarcasm

Arching an eyebrow at her boldness, "Just as she wished for our marriage", I hissed a bit more harshly then aspected

Jerking back into the bed, Eloisa gathers the blankets and covers up her nakedness out of shyness or fear; whichever I didn't know or cared to asked.

"I'm sorry......... I didn't mean to sound.....", she starts apologizing

Waving her off, she immediately stop blubbering her apologize. The chamber soon felled silent as we both bath and dressed with only the sound of rustling of our clothes. Out of nowhere Eloisa doubled over holding her mouth and belly with her free hands. Soon she was off running to the garderobes and the chamber echoed with vomit sounds.

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