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〰️ Jon 〰️

Several hours later, I find myself seated at the table in the war chamber making plans for war.

"You can't possibly be seriously", I hissed at my brother

"We need to have a meeting with Cersei Lannister, because the dead is coming for us all", Bran said

"And you think Cersei cares to hear this. She would whether murder us instead of talking about the dead. And more importantly why would she believe us"

"Because it affects her as well, whether she nor you want to admit it", Bran spoke making better sense then all of us for his young age

"That is true Bran but cersei will never stand down. She's like a wounded animal defeating her territory at any means necessary", I replied

"The threat of the Lannister's needs to be dealt with first before we start thinking about the Other's?", Dany questioned

"Don't you think I want to bring all of Westeros together but meeting we a mad woman isn't an wise choice"

"Jon is right that we need to bring together all of Westeros, if we plan on defeating the others but we can't just walked down there blindly into a trap"

"While it's sound easy enough to me. Let's just killed them", Tormund said

"And you think we haven't tried that for years now, Tormund", I said annoyed at his lack of ideas, "What do you think we have been doing?! Making tea party arrangements!"

"No!! Jo......", Tormund started but was cut off by his wife

"What my husband was trying to say, is that we need to get them to understand that having an truce with us could be in there benefit. While it actually for ours", Brienne said

"Mmm...good idea", Dany applauded

"But how do we proposed that?!", Grey Worm said

"Maybe we could grant an audience with her by showing her the threat", Tyrion said

"And who would be foolish enough to get one?!", Dany hissed waving off his idea but I found it good but I kept it to myself as I would whether kill them then talk

"What about assassin's?!", Missandei offered, "We can hire them to do the same thing she did to us six years ago."

"That doesn't sound half bad. Have her paranoid and killing her best soldiers. And while there running around trying to find the assassin's we can plan our next step with the war with the others", I said with a satisfied smile

"And what about the Southern Houses and people", Tyrion questioned, "We need them on our side

"Cersei has strong influences on the Southern people, how will we get them to turn against her", Brienne stated

"Show then Cersei only cares for herself and the throne. Show them she's willing to put herself before there needs", Dany said, "We can do something similar to what I did in Meereen"

Missandei starts to explain what she proposed in Meereen years ago and how it worked in there favor.

I uses one of Missandei ideas in negotiations with the enemy, offering each man's weight in gold ransom for the release of the hostages. While the Wise Masters neither want nor need the gold, their mercenaries are likely to support the deal, creating division in the enemy ranks.

Missandei's strategy reminiscent of both Petyr Baelish and Varys but at this moment I need someone who is smarter then both of them but kinder.

"Missandei and Brienne you two have out done yourselves today", I praised

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