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〰️ Jon 〰️

Once we arrived at Dragon stone Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion, must have known there mother was back because they flew out to met us form the tops of the hills.

They had grown five times their size since I saw them last. They looked to be just as large as an middle size castle. It's was an amazing sight to see. When they landed the ground shook with their weight, if the horse hissed and screamed in fear.

Daenerys was the first to exist the carriage rushing over to her children. I know she had missed them and they her. For they screech and shook there oversized heads in joy. One of them even spit fire in the air, has it come closer to her.

I allow them to enjoy there mother's company before I soon join my wife's side. Rhaegal and Drogon both tried to caress my body with there large heads. They knocked me to the ground and I couldn't help but laugh as they where acting like gigantic cats, missing there companions. Viserion turned and did the same with his large head.

After what seemed like hours, I made sure I petted each one before going to my guards and soldiers and telling them to go inside the castle and clean and make dinner for tonight.

They walked around the dragons and did as told bring all the bags and carts up the stairs and into the castle.

Daenerys and I took turns riding each dragon and giving them the attention they so desperately wanted and needed. Once get dragon had there turn with us. They seem satisfied and grateful for the attention. Daenerys and myself went inside and took an much needed bath, made love and then went to sleep afterwards, snuggling under the fur and silk white sheets.

The next morning I awake late morning with the sun just peeking over the castle and hill tops. Stretching my limbs, I found my beautiful wife still fast as sleep. She must exhausted from our travels and besides having six young ones keeping you up and busy does wear you out over time.

After lightly pecking Dany's forehead I decided after eating lunch that I should walk the castle grounds to see what was causing them to be so protective of the island.

After walking on the beach for a few hours, I come across a cave. It had dragon fire lit on both side of the entrance and four more leading into the cave. Upon seeing the dragon fire I knew the dragons had been inside. Walking inside the walls seemed polished over with something. Touching the ceiling and the sides it was smooth to the touch and black. I knew upon seeing it, it was dragon glass. As I made my way further in to the cave, it began to get darker so I can to go back a get a stick off the beach and make a torch.

The further I got into the cave the more dragon glass I saw until ever inch of the cave walls was nothing but dragon glass. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a small opening, no sooner then I walked closer did I noticed twenty dragons eggs. They were nestled up in between two large rocks and hand a small fire burning beside it.

'So this is what has caused you guys to be so protective', I said to myself

Bending down I touch the each egg. They were so warm to the touch and all different colors. Daenerys is going to be so excited when she sees this. Getting up I made me way towards the entryway of the small opening. Going inside I could see written and drawing on the wall. It was beautiful and exotic to say the less. Stepping up to it I could see or what it seem to me to be little children running, haunting, building houses, playing music. The as I walked around the crave the images because violent of large people killing, butchering the the little children.

As I continued to look form image to image it, I soon realize it was a story of the children of the forest being told. The stories we all heard as children form our wet-nurse was true. They were real and for what I could tell and see we....man killed them by the thousands.

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