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〰️ Eloisa Lannister 〰️

Arriving in Kingslanding felt odd and it smelled of shit, spices, and smoke. The streets where coward of peasants and orphans. Filth loitered the streets, as stray cats and dogs roam around skinny and sickly. The peasants looked to be starving and scraped for food form trash bins and anything they could find. Even some of the worthier lower class-men looked to be barely making it by.

The rumors where true that Cersei has drained the capitals worth on military supplies and herself. The people of Kingslanding that can afford to move out are doing so by the hundreds and the ones that cannot are starving by the thousands.

If these goes on any further Cersei will be the Queen of no one and the worthy will soon revolt against her.

My mother and father where right to keep us away form the capital. Cersei has made the world hate all Lannister's. She has turned out once powerful family name into something of dread. Not even the high born families want to anything to do with us. This has to change and soon. I just hope my mother sided with the King and Queen in the North because if she doesn't the Lannister family lineage is dead.

"Don't forget what mother said, we have to protect our family at all cost", Bao suddenly said when the carriage come to a stop

"How could I forget?", I smirked, "When mother number two is here" , I smiled further at her

"Will someone has to be", She smiled back, "But seriously we have to stick together, or else that mad lioness will murder us in our sleep"

"I know", I smiled, "But for what it's worth I'll kill for you sister. I love you regardless of how much fights we have"

"I love you too"

We both smiled at each other, as the carriage door finally opened, then we both put on a natural face as to not give anything away. Something I was proud to say we learned from our uncle Tywin.

I then Bao step outside to be greeted with our cousin Jamie and his friend. We both dressed in red gown's; mines with sheer sleeves and Bao's without sleeves but with long flowly lose cape sleeves. Our mother had given each of us small gold crown's on our head.

Once out of the carriage we straightened our gowns and each gave a smile to both men.

"You both look beautiful. I am glad you made it here safely", Sir Jaime said as he stare at my sister and I but his eyes stayed on me a bit longer then necessary

"Thank you Mi'Lord. We are please to be here", I said

"Kingslanding is quite the sight to behold", Bao said glancing around, "Father would have loved to see us in the city"

Glancing back at her wide eyed, shocked she already put her foot in her mouth already. 'What the hell was she thinking?' I scream in my head. She's going to get us killed before we got a chance to even see the inside of the castle.

"Yes it is mi'lady", Jaime's friend says with a grin

"What is your name, Sir?", my sister questioned

"Sir Bronn, mi'Lady?", he questioned her back with an arch eyebrow

"Bao and this is my sister Eloisa Lannister", she gestures towards me

"Well enough with the introduction's Sir Bronn", Jaime growls out, "Let's you get two inside and ready for your welcoming dinner tonight", Jaime gestured us inside while our soldiers and servants grab our trucks

"Stay away form them, Sir Bronn. There not to be touch by you and anyone else in the damn city", I heard Jaime snapped at his friend as he thought we was too far to hear

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