3 (Right before the fall)

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This chapter is dedicated to my new follower ventilog and long time follower julietturiarte!

Picture credit goes to my lovely friend, thatgabbykid!
Song: like that (Bea Miller)

I walked towards the back of the back of the packhouse, my head heavy with thoughts.

Liam's, never taken it this far before, then again no ones ever broken his rules till now. He's a f*cking dumb a** for punishing me for defending myself. What was I supposed to let them rape me?

Leading me down into the pit where three short silver poles stood. No one had been tortured here in a very long time.

Since my parents.

Bryan, put on a pair of leather gloves and lifted chained my hands above my head. Chaining me to the pole in the middle.

"Why?" I begged to know. Yet no one answered.

Forced into a kneeling position, I looked around, all my friends just standing there. They whispered to each other, giving me pitying glances; no one willing to stand up for me.

Bryan glanced at Liam for instructions, none more were given so he left, walking back up the incline to stand by Liam's side.

"My sister, Rose has defied a rule of our pack; instead running for help, she fought and killed three rouges."

Mhmm, they're going to rot on that forest floor. I thought with a smirk or satisfaction.

At the sound of their Alphas voice, all the whispering stopped.

"She could've been killed but, instead her stubbornness and lust for a fight, clouded her judgement. My packmembers, we gather here to punish her for breaking of a rule that's kept us safe for years!"

Let us not forget today.

Murmuring among the crowd couldn't be deciphered as either for me or against me. Everyone talking at the same time, angering Liam and he yelled, "Quiet!"

Everyone stopped talking and at that moment it seemed that not a person was there, no one daring to move an inch.

"Her punishment will be twenty lashes."

Only twenty? Someone must be feeling a little guilty. I wonder who?

He continued on, telling them of my stupidity and crazy decisions. Many listened to Liam, believing I had fought the rouges just for fun, cheering as my punishment was announced. While Hailey and others cried out, begging for him to reconsider.

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