16 (Mixed Reaction)

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Dedicated to: Berkana, Dana, Malia, Maitlin, Emily, Harry, Sarah, Noah, Jayna, Adam, Malia A., Pomai, Aloha, Paliku, Larissa, Elizabeth, Wyatt, Dallas, Ping, Daimen, A.J, Joshau, E.J,  Jaymin, Adrian, Elijah, Kanalu, Michelle, Tyler, Cory, Joey, Brianni, Micheal, Lucy, Iris, Macey, Olivia, Chris, Maria, Sofia, Gabby.. everyone

Song doesn't match that much lyrically but, the music matches the mood of this chapter perfectly.

Song: Jealous (Labrinth)

I felt it, the fading feeling of sleep and the warm sun. Opening my eyes I glimpsed a beautiful sunrise. Feeling the comfortable, cozy feeling of the bed that cocooned me.

It smelt like him, in fact this whole bed and room did. His musky scent calling out to me, teasing me with its delicious scent.

I'm alive. And great, I'm back here in his room, in his bed.. f*cking great.

Starting to come back to the senses of my body. I felt the stinging pain of my shoulder and aching of my sore muscles. Sitting up slowly I looked down at myself. Someone had clothed me in pale blue shorts and a plain white shirt, washed my dirty hair and body, and bandaged my wounded shoulder.

Don't know who did this but, I don't care.

Brushing my chocolate hair away from my face, I stretched, and pulling the blanket away from my feet swung them over the side of the bed and leaped down. Only then was when I realized, there was a long heavy chain around my ankle.

How much more of my dignity does he not already have. So now I'm really his prisoner.

I shivered half at the thought of it and half because the room had suddenly darkened. The sun was behind the clouds. The skylight and a few windows were slightly opened and I could feel the chilly air seeping in.

I walked towards the two French doors in front of me. Opening them I stepped out and took in the beauty of the forest. Big fir trees covered the majestic gray rock mountains and a small lake not far beyond a tall and roaring waterfall. The water gleaming, birds were flying around, some were in trees singing their songs.

I wanted freedom, so I let go, stripping my clothes off in a pile on the floor, I let myself turn. Stepping forward to the edge of the balcony, I shook my gray head. Loving the feeling of the wind through my fur.

The balcony ran all along the outside of the bedroom and I wanted to see as much of the forest as I could. Walking to the opposite side of the balcony, attempting to turn the corner. Something stopped me a rough jerk around my hindleg just above the paw.

The chain.

Its enchanted to change with me, from human to wolf. I felt trapped, I could barely make it to the other side of the balcony.

Changing back, I picked my clothes off the floor and slipped them back on. I went to the bathroom and glancing at the mirror, I saw the heavy brushing that covered my neck. Deep dark purple/blue marks covered my throat like a second skin. I just stared for a moment before walking to the toilet.

Not knowing what else to do I went to Jarred's bed, picked the fattest, fluffiest one and walked to the balcony. Not even caring if it got dirty I dropped it to the ground and sat down atop it, staring through the thick black glass panes that served as a balcony. Watching the sun rise higher and higher in the sky, I fell asleep yet again, deeply soaked into my thoughts.

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