13 (He'll kill you)

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This chapter is dedicated to lizzie0788, DearDiary, skylark555,GreyWinters, ExcujiBangtan, sebavatar24, KhaleesiMoon, and AmoreLiebeDashuri.

Special thanks for my new friend MACMartinez! She da best!

The song is: Beast (by Mia Martina ft. Waka Flocka Flame)

Oh another update? Yes, because someone special asked for one.

How could I have forgotten that scream. Yet I wouldn't except it. She couldn't be alive. I saw her die..

I was completely on guard.

Relaxed, yet tense enough for an attack. I moved my shoulders, loosening them.

This underground room was hot as hell. The intense humidity causing fat drops of sweat to drip down my face. I had to continually reach up and wipe my brow. My dark hair frizing like crazy, coming out of my ponytail, little by little. The sickly sweet smell of Wolfsbane, wafted through the air, like a silent killer.

One more scream, just one more.

Another scream rang through the air, with that I said goodbye to all my past thoughts, running towards the screams.

Who's doing this?

As I got closer, the cells on either side became occupied. Man, women, and children huddled in corners, faces beaten, bloody, and bruised, shackled in silver chains.

I just couldn't fathom why they were in here. They were so broken. Like skeletons in a graveyard. Nothing much left to show for humanity. My heart ached, I felt touched; in a way I've never felt before. I expressed a notion of sadness my eyes softening.

I stopped running and approached a thin, nearly skeletal old man up near the front of his cell.

"Hello," I asked worriedly. Ignoring the pain I slide my hand through the tarnished silver bars. It burned, yet I still reached out to touch the old mans bony wrist.

It was cold, thin and dry as an empty well. I gave it a squeeze, trying really hard not to put to much pressure on his fragile wrist; just enough to give a feel of comfort.

"Luna... Luna.. Please get us out of this hell..." His weak voice cracking, his dull eyes gazing into mine, striking me with compassion.

"Uh, I'm not exactly the Luna but, if you mean mates with the pr*ck, then yes."

"Luna, your the only one. Please save us. You're the only one he wouldn't hurt." He begged, his shaky hand gripping mine with surprising strength.

He might.

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