18 (Good Morning)

207 11 9

Hey guys dont kill me..

I awoke to a heavy arm thrown carelessly over my shoulder. Outside the light streaming through the windows. It was midday.

My stomach growled hungrily, turning over I smiled at my mates peaceful face. His eyebrows twitching slightly. I could smell him, his scent, calling for me.

Not only was I starving for him, I was starving for actual food. Noticing the chain around my ankle was long forgotten, I tapped the sleeping males chest hurriedly.

"Wake uppp sleepy dog, Im hungry," I very impatiently said.

Lifting my still sleepy body from the cozy bed, I stretched my back. Trying to get out of bed was a hardship all in itself. His arm was literally holding my waist down.

Theres no way, I can get out of this grip.

Rolling my eyes, I pushed his hand off of me and struggled to a sitting position.

Blurry eyed Jarred gazed at me.


His face slowly started showing signs of alertness and within a few seconds he was fully awake.

"Where were you going, little kitty?"

"To get breakfast."

He pulls me back down onto the bed and buries his face in my neck, inhaling deeply.

"Mmm, but I think I want breakfast right here, dont you."

I felt myself heat up, my thighing clenching at the thought if him wanting me.. for gosh darn breakfast.

Blushing furiously, I sit up again and slid my legs over the side of the bed. He pushes himself  up and leans against the headboard.

"Kitten, damn its too early, stay here where I can keep you out of trouble," he groans.

Setting my feet on the cold wood floor, I ignore him and make my way to the bathroom.

Yes, ik its been literally forever but, would people still want more. Its been so long that idk if I should change this story or continue and hopefully finaih this damn thing before I die and its not done, jk but still, you peeps still read my shit? Comment if you want more.

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