15 (I Give Up)

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Dedicated to all the people who wanted more. I cant believe people still read this..

Song: Ok (Robin Schulz)

I felt the blood sliding down my arm, trickling unto the floor. My shoulder stinging painfully. Biting my lip, I grabbed my shirt ripping the bottom off. Tying it tightly around my shoulder, I hissing at the pressure.


Not only was he using that f*cking nickname but, hes acting like he actually cares. That's it, I'm done.

I stood up trying to gain some height, but I still fell short of his tall stature. 

"Why the f*ck! Can you not control yourself?"

"Now how the heck are we gonna keep ourselves from getting killed.  How do we know more won't come? And don't you dare think for a moment I actually care if you live or die. I'm thinking about your pack. They treat me better than you ever did. They treat you better than you deserve."

"Kitten, watch your f*cking words," He growled out lowly.

"No. Let me fucking finish. I came down here to see what the alpha did so often. Now I know, you torture people. You're just sick, just f*cking sick! I am so tired of you treating your pack like complete sh"t. They give you so much and instead of trying to connect better with them you, come down here to murder people. "

He growled again, pushing me against the back wall. 

"I hate you and everything you do! I screamed at him in blind bravery.

He growled so deathly slow, I could feel it vibrating through me. 

"Stop right now kitten."

"Go ahead, big bad alpha, kill me," I growled back. 

Picking the forgotten knife the floor, I continued. "or Ill do it myself."

His expression darkened even further at the way I stated those words so nervously direct.

"You belong to me.. And I have ways to deal with you that will hurt a lot worse than death."

I gulped my courage starting to fade with every word.

"You can't hurt me any more than  I already am dead inside."

"Oh but, I think I can little kitten."

Turning around he walked a few feet to the next cell and unlocked the door. He pulling out, a small blonde female. Bloody and bruised, she was mangled far worse than I'd ever seen.

But, when he dragged her by her blonde hair in to the cell and dropped her at my feet. My heart sank, so low in my chest it felt like someone had dropped it from the top of a building.


That's when my facade dropped and I sank to my knees. 

What did they do to you..

She moaned softly, her voice so dry and cracked. I could tell she was hurt badly and unconscious.

I tried to reach for her. He roughly pushed me back, I fell on my butt. 

"How does it feel now, kitten? Feeling f*cking brave now?"

Picking my limp body off the floor, he slammed me against the wall. His large hand going around my neck, squeezing it harshly.

"Don't you ever go acting like you're higher than me, because I will punish those who deserve it with great pleasure."

My hands went up to my neck, trying to loosen his but, it was no use.

"This is what I do to people who don't listen. You disrespected me, so now I take something from you."

Keeping his hand tightly locked around my neck, he bent down slowly. Reaching for Hailey, dragging her towards himself. He then reached for her neck.

"No," I breathed. "Not her please, no. Look at me!"

His eyes left Hailey and glanced back towards me. They were red, a dark deep bloody red.

He was thirsty.

"You should of thought of that sooner, kitten. Its too late now, I cant stop him."

 He turned back and grabbing Hailey's neck, snapped it in half.

I screamed. Tears streaming down my face. I had no words. That was the only person I had left, my best friend.. He took everything.

I tried to break free, struggling violently against his grip. His blood red eyes turned back to mine, our eyes locked and in that second I saw his anger. Like an uncontrollable fire, raging deep within. And I saw when he let that anger consume and take over. 

He tightened his hold around my neck cutting off my air, while I scratched at his hands trying to get him to let go but, every time I struggled his grip just got tighter.

Within twenty seconds I gave up, his grip so tight, it was bruising instantly with every squeeze. I fell limply, excepting I wasn't going to make it. I closed my eyes, giving up.

What did I have to live for anyways?

What did I have to live for anyways?

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Sorry for leaving you hanging for so long. I had the worst writers block in the world. I sorta lost interest in this story in general. Hope you enjoyed! Wasn't this chapter emotional and intense? I thought so.


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