4 (The first to die is always at the bottom)

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This lovely chapter is dedicated to my new readers/ followers: OfficiallyNeicey, awesometamia, angelborkowski00, and MakaelaKaela!!

Song: Legends Never Die

Thank you dear friends for your support

Anyone else got excited about the new Zanthus chapter?
I got way too excited, lol.

Sorry for the late update! I know I promised it two days ago but, I had the bake for a party yesterday. Plus I had to pack for an upcoming trip.

I talk too much; I'll just continue on with the story. I know your curious on what's going to happen...

Smoke was billowing from the houses surrounding the packhouse. Their collapsed beams showed, I'd missed a lot of the battle. Fire raging inside the ones still standing.

Dozens and dozens of foreign wolves, clearly well trained, shredding through our weak defense system. Not caring who they killed to get to the packhouse.

The BloodMoon pack...

Shredding through our packs defense forces; and heading straight for the main building.

Mutilated packmembers, there bodies littering the ground. Women and even children laying in a pile of their own blood and gore. The ones still standing, putting up valiantly but feeble attempts to defend themselves.

How the f*ck did I sleep through this? D*mn it Hailey, did she freaking overdose me.

The smell of the smoke, starting to knock me out of my shock. Drifting through the air, the room started getting extremely humid. The crackling barbecue smell stung my nostrils; hitting me with a wave of violent coughing.


I opened the door, to see roaring flames. Coughing I slammed the door shut again, hissing as the searing hot copper handle burned my hand. Turning around I knew there was only one way out.

Through the window.

Shifting, I tore thought the starched bandages; running I jumped at the window. Glass flying as I crashed through it, ducking my face and closing my eyes to avoid getting glass in them.

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