6 (Kitten?)

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Dedicated to somebodiesnoone, and Sheforhim! For their support.

For ErinGeisel7 for being awesome!

Guess where I'm writing this chapter?

I'm on a plane! Going to California! So pumped! :-D

I would like to give special thanks for all the crew of my flight!
Thanks guys, if it weren't for you I wouldn't be here!

Song: Safe and Sound (Taylor Swift)

What to do? I can either shift and be completely naked in front of the Alpha. Or not and kill Hailey.

I looked at her unconscious figure lying crumpled on the ground.
Mauled and covered in dark red blood.

She didn't deserve this.

I shifted.

Giving Alpha Pervert, his wish.

Very uncomfortable and stark naked, I wiggled underneath him.
His body was so long I could only feel his slanting of his pelvis actually touching me.

As uncomfortable as I was, I noticed every time he moved a burning sensation struck me. Causing shivers to ripple through my body, I had to close my eyes to stop from giving it away.

Slowing the shivers, I opened my eyes again. His face flashed concern but, he ignored his instincts and kept staring. I wasn't willing to speak for fear; I might say something I was going to regret.

His face broke into a smirk at seeing my body. His sea blue eyes darkening.

"The mutt has finally given in."

I looked up into his swirling pitch blacks eyes; my heart was beating so fast. I was almost afraid he could hear it.

I was feeling two suffer emotions at once. Hate and lust.

Giving him a disgusted glare, I replied.

"Kiss my a**."


"You make me sick!"

His gaze remained focused on me as he spoke. Locking me in with just his eyes.

"Shut up or I'll shove something in your mouth, that will definitely shut you up."

"I don't give a f*ck! Shove something in my mouth and I will bite it in half."

He growled deeply in his throat; pushing me harder onto the ground.

"Your not in a position to threaten, kitten."

"If you kill Hailey, I'll kill you. Make you feel the pain you caused, plus it'll be so much fun to dig my claws into you neck."

Alpha JarredWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu