Chapter 8

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  Once I got in my room, I stripped and threw those clothes in the trash. threw on my robe and went to start the shower. O went back in my room and got sike pajamas out then went to go get in the shower.

     I was in the shower for almost 2 hours, crying and replaying the attack that happened to me. I just kept asking "why me?" as the tears would stop falling. My mom knocked on the door about 4 times asking was everything alright. I wish she would go to bed already.

   When I got out the shower I went downstairs and threw my subway deep in the trash where it wasn't visible anymore. I wasn't in the mood to eat, but I know if I left it there my mom would really suspect something because I  never turn away subway. I just went back upstairs laid and my bed and tried to fall asleep to Martin.

   I couldn't fall asleep so I just laid there staring at the ceiling into my dad walked on my room.

      " Hey munchkin." he said

    "Hey daddy."

    "Your mama told me what happen with your phone, that's why you looking so sad?"

"Yea, you know I can't live without my baby "

We both started giggling, I hated having to lie I wish I could just erase the memory.

"Well I'm off work tomorrow, I cab just get you another phone then."

"Yay!! thanks dad!"

"anything for my love" he kissed me on the cheek then left my room.

Once I finally fell asleep, I kept jumping up and having flash backs of what had happened to me. I got out of bed, went to the bathroom medicine cabinet and took two Tylenols and went in my room and slept peacefully for the rest of the night.

Pretty Hurts!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ