Chapter one

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        Someday, I want to get out of this cage-like territory.

Go somewhere far, far away from this place.

Somewhere the Alpha, my family, or anyone else in the pack will never find me. Not that they would even bother to look. I mean, what use am I to them?

Sure, yeah, I'm one of the strongest females in this pack, but I'm too timid to do anything to hurt anybody, unlike everyone else on this forsaken territory. Besides, I have too much of a heart to ever truly belong in this pack.

Maybe once my wolf is strong enough, I could escape. I could bring one small bag that would hold a few small essentials. I would only need some money, some clothing, and some food, if possible.

I could even pack the money and clothing now if I wanted to. I would need to find something to mask my scent as well. There are those scent masking perfumes that I could try to secretly get my hands on.

"Elena, are you in there, sweetheart?" My father asked, knocking on the door to my room.

        "Yes, father," I replied before getting up and opening the door. "What do you need?"

"Follow me," he ordered.

"Um... okay," I mumbled, doing as he said.

Where does he want to take me? And why?

"Father?" I asked when he stopped outside the door to Alpha's office and knocked on the door. "Why did you bring me to the Alpha's office? What's going on?"

I don't want to see the Alpha. What did father bring me here for? He knows how I feel about the Alpha. Is he trying to get me killed like Octavius was a few years ago?

"The Alpha wants to see you," he replied. "You should take pride in this, sweetheart, he's taken an interest in you."

Interest? In me? Why? What does he want from me?

"But father-" I started to say, but I got cut off by the door opening and the Alpha speaking.

"You two can come in now," the Alpha said, scrutinizing me.

But I don't want him to take an interest in me, father. I'm scared. He'll kill me, I'm sure of it.

"Yes, sir," my father nodded walking in. I followed him with my head down.

"I see the rumors don't help you in the least," the Alpha smirked. "You will be perfect."

Perfect for what? What are his plans for me? Also, what rumors?

"Excuse me, Alpha?" I stuttered, looking up warily. "I'm... I'm afraid I don't... I don't understand what you mean, Alpha."

What does he mean? What am I perfect for?

"In two days, you are going to become my mate and you will be the one to give birth to and care for my children," the Alpha answered, his face as stoic as always.


"What?!" I gasped loudly.

I don't want to be mated to him! I don't want my future children to have him as a father. I don't care what the cost is, but I'm not mating him whatsoever. I don't care if I have to die as long as I don't have to mate him.

"That's wonderful news," my father smiled.

I looked at my father in disbelief.

How can he be so okay with this?

I would get killed by him within the hour!

       "Hurry up and get dressed, sweetheart, it's your big day today," My father called softly.

I don't want to do this.

Any of this.

But I have to.

"If you want me to get dressed then you're going to have to leave the room. You know that, don't you, father?" I groaned, covering my eyes with my arm. "I'm a girl. I have different body parts than you. And it would also be improper for you to be in the same room as me while I got dressed, seeing as you are a male."

"Yes, yes. Right. Of course," My father nodded, scurrying out of the room and closing the door behind him.

I also don't want to leave my family, but I don't want to mate the Alpha.

I can't mate the Alpha

"I'm so, so sorry, father," I whispered as I opened up the window. "But I have to do this. I just can't be his mate."

It's a pretty long drop. About four stories, I think (I can't remember exactly). I know I'll get hurt and that will slow me down quite a bit, but at least I'm still going to be able to elude them... I hope. If not, he'll just kill me out of anger for trying to run away, which is fine too, I guess.

With a determined nod to myself and a clenched jaw, I jumped out of the window.

         I was able to successfully get a car from the garage without getting caught. I didn't get too hurt from the jump either (just a few scrapes here and there, and a few areas that will be bruised pretty soon), which is a big plus because it makes it easier to move quickly when you're not injured, and no one will smell blood on the ground. I got to the border of the pack territory not long after that.

'I'm sorry everyone, but I just can't become his mate. He's, like, thirteen years older than me. He's not the right one for me. I want to be with whoever my real soulmate is,' I said through the pack mind-link before it was demolished as I drove out of the pack's territory forever.

It would be too late to go back now if I wanted to, which I don't. I guess I'm officially on my own now...

My mind wandered to how the Alpha will react when he finds out I am gone. It probably won't be a good reaction knowing how much he acts like a spoiled brat. I hope no one gets hurt too much because of my actions...

"No. No. Bad Elena. Don't think about the bad stuff. This is for the best," I growled as I clutched the steering wheel tightly with my hands. "You don't want to be that idiot's mate, remember? You know all too well that you would be killed within days because of how you act towards authority when you know that they are wrong. Why do you think you always avoided meeting him once he started treating the pack the way he did? Not to mention what he did to Octavius..."

I nodded to myself determinedly as I started making random turns. That way, if and when they started tracking me, it would be more difficult for them to do so.

I probably shouldn't rely completely on the scent of the hiding perfume I recently found.

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