chapter thirty-two

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        Breathe, Elena, breathe.

Everything will be just fine.

This is nothing compared to everything else you've done in your life so far. It's all going to be alright.

You just need to breathe and calm down. There's no gain from getting yourself all worked up over something so petty... no, petty isn't the right word for this. There's nothing petty about this.

It's just something that will completely change your life forever.

There you go again... getting yourself all worked up by overthinking.

I need to figure out how to stop doing that. It doesn't help anything. It only makes things worse.

"It's going to be alright, darling," Victor murmured, kissing my neck.

How is he staying so calm in this situation?

"I know," I sighed, leaning into him. "I'm just scared."

"Of what, darling?" Victor hummed.

"What if I'm not pregnant?" I whimpered.

"Then we'll just have to try again," He whispered reassuringly. "It's as simple as that. We can keep on trying until you are pregnant with our pup."

"Right, right," I nodded. "Right..."

The timer beeped, signaling Victor and I that we didn't have to wait in suspense any longer to know if we were going to have a pup or not.

"Just take a deep breath, everything will be alright," Victor said. "Breathe, darling, breathe."

Why is this making me so nervous? Why is this so nerve wracking?

"Right," I nodded before walking into the bathroom. "I just need to breathe."

I picked up the test and looked at it.

It's positive. The test is positive.

My empty hand went to my stomach.

The test fell out of my hands and hit the floor with a small clicking sound.

"Elena?" Victor called softly from the room. "Is everything alright, darling?"

We did it. We're having a pup.

"Ye-yes," I stuttered, slowly walking out of the restroom, leaving the test on the floor of the bathroom. "Everything is perfect."

Concern was clear in his green eyes once he saw the tears streaming down my face.

"It's positive," I smiled through my tears. "I'm pregnant."

Victor immediately came up to me and picked me up before spinning me around while pressing his lips against mine.

"We did it," he whispered against my lips.

"We did," I nodded. "I'm pregnant. We're gonna have a pup."

        "What do you mean he got out!?" Victor snarled into the office phone.

"Victor," I sighed, rubbing his tense shoulders. "Calm down. What's wrong?"

Victor groaned, slamming the phone down in its place and plopping back into his chair.

"Luke got out," he croaked, his head falling into his hands.

That's not good. That's really not good.

"So what," I whispered. "He's completely powerless now. He has no pack, no land, no allies. He has nothing but himself. He's not a threat to us anymore."

"He's still a strong wolf, he could still hurt you and our unborn pup," Victor whimpered.

I hate seeing him like this. I still don't quite know how to help calm him down, but I have to try.

He's so tense that he's shaking.

"But he'll have to get through you first," I grinned, trying to lift his mood. "Which is impossible because you're stronger. Not to mention the fact that you have more to fight for than him. Also, I'm not all that far along, I can still fight; I just have to be careful of my stomach area if I do get into a fight."

"Yeah... you're right," he replied softly. "He has nothing, while I, I'm fortunate enough to have everything I could ever ask for and then some. I intend on keeping it that way. I refuse to lose what's mine."

"You won't be losing me," I smiled. "Or our pup. Ever."

        "What does my son even see in you?" Victor's mother gritted.

This again? Seriously?

Why can't there be a truce between us?

"To be honest, ma'am, I still don't know," I murmured with a shrug. "But he must see something pretty significant, though, to put up with all of my craziness. Just imagine what our pups will be like."

"What does anyone see in you?" she spat. "What did Alpha Luke see in you?"

"Alpha Luke?" I uttered, stopping in my tracks out of shock.

"Yes, Alpha Luke, he even started a war with this pack, just for you. Why?" She continued. "Why is that?"


"How do you know this?" I ordered, looking at her darkly. "Jack, Victor, and I never told anyone else in the pack. That was the one thing we decided that it should not be told to the other members."

Her tan skin turned white and her eyes became round discs like she just caught sight of a hunter.

"How did you find out this information?" I repeated slowly.

She didn't say anything, she just avoided eye contact with me.

"Answer me!" I snapped.

She still didn't reply.

"Answer her question, mother, how did you find this information out?" Victor sighed, coming up beside me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I wonder how much he heard...

'What information did she find out?' Victor linked me.

He didn't hear much I guess.

'She found out the true reason why Luke started the war with us.' I replied through the link, my expression darkening.

'Oh,' he responded.

"He told me himself," she whispered, keeping her eyes on the ground.

"Who told you, mother?" Victor asked.

"Alpha Luke," she muttered, clenching her fists at her sides. "Alpha Luke told me."

Why does she keep on referring to him as Alpha Luke? He's not an Alpha anymore nor should he be referred to as such by anyone.

He doesn't deserve that title.

"And how did he get this information to you?" Victor bit out.

"I visited him in the cell," she answered.

"Are you the one who let him out?" Victor growled.

"Yes..." she said after a long pause. "I did. And I let Dalila out as well."


What a plot twist.

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