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        I never would have thought my life would turn out like this in a million years, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

I went from being the Beta's adopted daughter who unknowingly came from the royal family to being wanted by the second strongest Alpha. Then I went from a runaway to being a pop star. Then I ended up being the mate and wife of the strongest Alpha and the mother of his children while still being a pop star.

But again, I wouldn't change any of it. Not at all.

If I changed even one thing, nothing would be as it is now. I love how my life is now, I don't want it to change.

"Alright, Alpha Female, it's time," The pack doctor said as I clenched my jaw in pain and curled my fingers around the sheets of the hospital bed. "Are you ready?"

I nodded. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

Just get this thing out of me!

"You've got this, darling," Victor encouraged, untangling one of my hands from the sheets, holding onto it, and kissing the palm of it gently.

I know that.

"It hurts, Vic," I groaned as I threw my head back in pain.

"I know, sweetheart, I know. Just try to hang on," Victor murmured. "You've got this. I know you do. You're strong."

        "My little gem," I giggled quietly, holding my baby girl close to my chest. "You were finally able to escape the depths of my stomach, good job."

She kept on trying to grasp my finger while giggling as I waved it around her.

"I'll go get Roman so he can meet his new baby sister," Victor whispered, standing up and kissing my forehead along with our new baby's.

"Alright," I nodded. "I'll stay here, watching over our newest recruit."

Not that I have the strength to stand up.

"You do that, darling. You do that," Victor chuckled under his breath before he walked out of the room to go and get our son.

She looks more fragile than Roman was when he was born.

"You're so tiny, and you look so fragile," I murmured, smiling warmly at the delicate little bundle in my arms. "But even so, Roman's going to adore you. I just know it. He's been so excited to meet you, we all have, my little spawn."

I hope I don't accidentally crush her or something.

She's so much smaller than Roman ever was.

"I heard the news, Torch," Jack said, walking into the hospital room with Evangeline not far behind him. "How does it feel to hold your newborn in your arms again?"

"Filling," I breathed out. "It feels filling."

"And how does it feel to have a flat stomach again?" he asked, smirking slightly.

My stomach isn't flat just yet. That part takes more time.

"Jack, if I didn't have such a small and delicate creature in my arms I would throw something at you," I muttered, clenching my jaw in anger.

"So where's my big brother?" Jack wondered, looking around the room. "I didn't think that he would leave this room so soon."

"Getting our son so he can meet his new little sister," I murmured, smiling at the bundled up infant in my arms. "He should be back in a few minutes with Roman."

        "Mommy!" my little Roman shouted, running into the room with his hands in front of him, Victor trailing about a yard behind. "Mommy!"

"And how is my growing empire doing?" I chuckled.

"Good!" Roman exclaimed, stopping in front of the hospital bed.

"I swear," Victor gasped for air. "I didn't give him any sugar this time."

"Yeah, this time," I mumbled, rolling my eyes. "Just come to hold our baby girl so I can give our baby boy a proper hug."

Victor did as I told him to do and carefully took the small bundle into his arms. As soon as he stood up straight and took a few steps back, Roman jumped on me.

I winced but was able to not make any sound of pain. Victor still noticed though.

"Roman, be careful," Victor chastised sternly. "Your mother is still sore."

"Why is she sore?" Roman asked, looking at Victor.

"Because, my growing little empire," I breathed out, causing Roman's head to turn back to me with questioning eyes. "I pretty much had to poop out a whole other living being. How else would your little sister get out?"

"You ate my little sister?!" Roman gasped, horror filling up his dark green eyes. "Is that why they were hiding inside of you for so long? Because you were digesting them?"

"No. No, nothing like that," I laughed softly. "Your baby sister needed to have a safe place for her to grow until she was strong enough to handle the real world. You were the same way, too, you know."

"You ate me!" my little empire exclaimed in terror.

"No, silly," I chuckled. "I didn't eat you or your sister."

"We still haven't named her, if you want to help us, Roman," Victor whispered, looking down at our baby in his arms.

"Ruby!" Roman exclaimed. "I want her to be named Ruby!"

It sounds like he's been thinking about this for a while. He gave no hesitation. That's so sweet.

"I like it," I shrugged. "What about you, Victor?"

"It's lovely," Victor nodded. "Ruby it is."

        "So what did you want to tell us, Jack?" Victor wondered quietly.

Roman was curled into my side, sleeping, and our little gem was in Victor's arms as he sat beside my bed. Our new little gem is also sleeping.

It probably won't be this quiet again for a while.

"Err... um... well," Jack sputtered nervously. "I think we should wait for Evangeline to come back from the restroom..."


"Jack," I sighed softly. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," Jack murmured, smiling at the ground ever so slightly. "This is just something that needs to be told with Evangeline in the room. It wouldn't be right for me to tell you guys without her."

I know that look. I know that smile.

Victor had that same grin when we found out about both pregnancies.

Is she pregnant?

I think she's pregnant.

"I'm here," Evangeline said quietly, walking back into the room. "I'm sorry if you were all waiting for me."

"So?" I pushed. "What did you two want to tell us?"

"Evangeline is pregnant," Jack replied, looking at Victor and me proudly. "With my pup."

I was right! She is pregnant.

I knew it!

"Well, who else would have gotten her pregnant?" I retorted, rolling my eyes.

"What?" Victor coughed out in shock.

Evangeline answered this time, with a large smile on her face. "I'm pregnant."

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