chapter forty-two

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Elena's P.O.V.

        The person wanted to tell me soup?

There's only one person I know who would want to tell me that so randomly. And that's...

No... it can't be...

"Octavius?" I uttered meekly to myself before turning my attention back to Jack. "Set up a meeting with him as soon as possible."

I need to know who this person is now.

"Are you sure?" Jack questioned. "But what about the policy?"

I huffed.

I'm the one who created the policy.

"There's only one person in the world that I know that would even think about telling me soup at a random time like that," I said. "Please, please just set up a meeting with him. It'll be alright, trust me."

"Alright, if you insist," Jack sighed, taking his phone out and walking away.

"Who do you think it is?" Victor asked.

I'm not sure.

"Before my brother died, he would always say soup at some of the most random moments and often said soup when I asked him a question," I mumbled. "I would think that it's Octavius if he wasn't so... umm... you know... dead. I need to figure out who this person is that knows Octavius did this to me while he was alive. I told very few people about that."

Victor nodded in response. "Understandable. Do you want me to come with you? Just in case things turn sour."

I shook my head. "I should be just fine, but thank you for your offer, Victor."

"Anything for you, my love," he murmured.

"He wants to set up a meeting on Friday, is that alright?" Jack called from the doorway.

"Yeah, that's fine," I replied.

I'm about to figure out who this person is and why they're so persistent to meet up with Little Flame.

"Ok, got it! I'll tell them that Friday is fine and set up a time," Jack shouted back before returning to his phone.

Now I just have to wait until Friday to know who this mysterious person is.

Will I be able to wait that long though? I know it's only one day away, but still...

        "You ready, Torch?" Jack asked when I hesitated on opening the door.

My hand's resting on the doorknob.

"Yeah," I grinned, nodding confidently before opening the door.

I walked into the room and shut it behind me before looking at the person in the room.

"But... but you... you're dead," I gasped. "I-I saw you die. I buried you."

"Are you going to give your big brother a hug or not?" he retorted. "I haven't seen you in... in what? Ten years?"

But he's dead!

"How did you recognize who I was?" I whimpered, hugging him.

"I remembered you saying that if you were born as a human, you would grow up to be a pop star named Little Flame. So, who else could the up-and-coming pop star 'Little Flame' be other than my baby sister?" He whispered into my ear. "I would have tried contacting you sooner, but it was too dangerous at the time."

I guess I did kind of name myself Little Flame for him...

"How are you even alive though?" I asked, letting him go. "Luke killed you."

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