chapter twenty-two

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                                                 Elena's P.O.V.

        I yawned, not even trying to move. I knew all my attempts would be futile due to Victor's arms being tightly secured around me. That's fine though. It's comforting and makes me feel safe, like nothing can harm me.

Victor nuzzled further into my neck before tracing the crescent mark on my neck with his nose, startling me.

He's up. He's got to be up.

I doubt that he would do this while asleep.

It would be weird if he did...

"My father seems to like you," Victor sighed.

I was right. He is up.

"And why would you say that?" I mused, closing my eyes peacefully.

"He suggested getting you pregnant," he chuckled softly. "He wouldn't have suggested that, if he didn't approve of you."

"Oh yeah, that," I murmured, my face getting hot with embarrassment.

I covered my face with my hands.

"Please don't mention that ever again. I want to forget that ever happened," I groaned.

"I think it sounds like a pretty good plan," He smirked against my shoulder. "Once the war is over, obviously."

I looked at him in shock.

Victor checked his clock before groaning in frustration.

"We have a meeting in about an hour," He said softly.


"Social interaction," I grumbled. "Fun."

        "So, what's the plan, Alpha?" one of the men in the room asked, looking at Victor.

Victor didn't respond immediately, so I decided to seize the opportunity to share my knowledge of the pack.

"I think we should just spend time training and wait for them to attack us first, and we should also find a safe place for the ones that are not able to fight to go to when they do attack," I suggested, trying to sound authoritative. "When they attack another pack, they wait until the other pack is in their territory. If we wait for their Alpha to lose his patience and attack us instead, then we will have the upper hand on them because they will be the ones in unknown territory and not us."

I looked at Victor unsurely to know if he approved of the plan.

"I see your point, darling," Victor said before directing his voice and attention to the other pack members in the room. "Do as your Alpha Female says."

There was a chorus of 'yes, Alpha' and 'yes, sir' echoing in the room.

"You are dismissed," Victor waved off. "Thank you."

They all stood up and left, leaving me in the room alone with Victor.

"I've got you just where I want you now," Victor smirked, trapping me in the chair.

"Are you sure about that?" I giggled.

"Yeah..." he whispered, his lips gently claiming mine.

        "What's wrong?" I asked when Victor stiffened.

"Someone was captured at the border," He groaned. "Requesting your appearance."

"What do we do?" I wondered. "My... um... my pack-skills are a tad bit rusty..."

"We have to go," Victor sighed. "They won't stop trying to get in until they speak to you."

"Then let's get it over with," I muttered. "Have they given their name?"

Asking what someone's name is if they want to speak with me has become a habit.

"No, and they won't tell the guards any reason as to why she wants to speak with you either," He shook his head after staying silent for a few minutes.


"Alright," I nodded. "Let's just get this over with as soon as possible."

I wonder who this 'she' is.

"She's being brought to the interrogation room now," Victor informed me. "I refuse to let you anywhere near the border with war looming over our heads."

Overprotective idiot.

"I heard that, darling," He whispered in my ear, scooping me up in his arms. "Now that I think of it, I don't think they would miss us for a few hours, would they?"

Did I say that out loud?

"Huh?" I uttered.

I took in a quick intake of air through my nose when Victor's hot lips landed themselves on my neck.

"You can play around later after we figure out who this person is and why they're here to see me," I whispered against his lips.

I melted into him, not having enough willpower to actually stop him. He's so warm, but we need to get stuff done.

I think that the Heat might be coming back soon. That, or it's just been colder lately since autumn is almost over.

"Fine," He groaned. "Let's get this done as quickly as possible, then."

He pecked at my lips once more before taking my hand and leading me to the interrogation room.

"Fine by me," I giggled.

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