Chapter two

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        Bad thoughts echo in my head as I am slowly raised to the stage. I shook my head to get them out. I will show all of them that I am not pointless, that I am not gutless, that I do, in fact, have a place somewhere in this world that I'm a part of, that I'm more than just another pretty, blank face in the world.

I will show everyone.

With that last thought making its rounds through my head, I painted a grin on my face and got into my pose, my right hand (which is holding a microphone) in the air and my left on my hip. My feet are placed shoulder-width apart.

I'm wearing my headphones and a mask that I bought just before this to conceal my identity as much as possible.

They were right, I was, no, I am terrified; it is my first concert after all. Meaning I should have time to adjust if things go according to plan and they like my show.

I've only been preparing it for about two and a half days. I'm cutting it pretty close. I know.

"Are you ready?" I shouted into the microphone as my free hand went up into the air, pointing at the sky.

There's a lot of people here... and they're all cheering, though they have no clue who I am or what my voice sounds like. They're probably just excited to be at a concert.

I hope no one recognizes my scent and tells the Alpha of my whereabouts; that would be bad. This should have been something that I thought about before I agreed to do this.

Oh well, it's too late to change things now...

"Let's go!" I cheered before starting to sing.

        "That was wonderful! The producers are simply ecstatic to back you up in your new and uprising career!" Jack Rinaldi, the person that set all of this up for me, exclaimed, walking into the dressing room with long strides that caused his dirty blond hair to move against his forehead. "You're a total natural for this, Elena! They, as well as myself, believe that you can easily become one of the top solo singers within a few short years."

He's a werewolf, like me, but he currently thinks that I'm human thanks to the special spray that I'm using.

"Really? Thank you," I giggled. "So, what happens next? I've never done anything like this before. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing."

I have no idea what I'm doing, but it was fun to be singing and dancing on the stage. It felt natural to do so.

"Once you're ready, you'll follow me to set up an appointment to create and sign a contract," he answered. "If you want to do this, that is."

"Well, I'm ready right now. We can go," I nodded, standing up.

My legs feel weak from all of the nerves and excitement, but I have to push through. I have to be strong.

I was able to escape the second strongest Alpha in the world almost unscathed; I am a strong female werewolf. I can do this!

"Alright, follow me then," He said, walking back out and making a hand gesture for me to follow him.

        To think, only a month ago I was shy and quiet, but now I'm the complete opposite. Maybe the thing that caused me to run away didn't do only bad after all.

"I don't want to be known by my real name. I want to have, and go by, a stage name instead, and I want at least one day of the week for myself so I don't get too overworked and I can just relax. I guess those are my only big terms," I murmured.

"What? Are you hiding from someone or something?" Jack teased.

He may only be joking, but that's exactly what I'm doing.

"I guess you could say that," I hummed, a smile playing on my lips. "I just... I just like my privacy and I don't want to lose it completely."

"And what do you want to be known as then?" one of the producers asked.

I haven't thought about that... I honestly didn't think that I would have gotten this far, much less even starting this.

"Little Flame," I nodded after thinking for a few moments. "I want to be known as Little Flame."

I always told Octavius that if I was born human that I would become a pop star once I was old enough to do so and that I would call myself Little Flame. It only seems appropriate to go by that, for Octavius.

For my big brother.

"Alright, Little Flame, we will get this printed and we'll call you to get it signed, alright?" the main producer, I think, said. "And we'll also get you a personal manager. Would you prefer a female or a male?"

"Alright," I grinned while nodding. "I would prefer a female manager, but I could make do with a male manager if need be, so long as they don't inappropriately push their boundaries."

This is going to be risky. They might notice my scent or be able to tell who I am if they're a werewolf, too. But then again, I've always been told that the best hiding spot is in plain sight.

I guess I'm going to have to create a costume for this 'Little Flame' persona, just to be on the safe side.

The headphones and mask should work perfectly fine to conceal my identity, right? I mean, they worked tonight. The headphones could work as a microphone as well so I don't have to hold one too. I could also get some kind of strong perfume to hide my scent completely because even with the spray that makes us supernaturals smell like humans; we still have the rest of our scent. It just takes the 'supernatural' part out of our scent temporarily. At least, that's what I think it does.

        "So, what are you running from?" Jack asked, rubbing the back of his head. "If I'm allowed to ask, that is."

"It's... uh... it's fine," I shook my head whilst sighing. "I'm running from a heartless, powerful man who wants me for his own. That's all you're going to get out of me, though."

"Ah," he hummed. "I see. That sounds like something out of a book."

"You... you're not wrong," I chuckled nervously.

He seems to be trustworthy, but he could just be acting for all I know. I'll have to wait to find out; he's going to have to earn my trust if he wants it.

"So, why did you choose to have this kind of job?" I asked.

"My family is quite large and I just wanted to help with the income, even though it isn't all that needed thanks to my older brother. This job seemed fun, helping people chase their dreams, and being able to work with the stars, I guess," he replied, his eyes glistening happily as he spoke fondly about his family and job. "What's your family like?"

I wonder if I'll ever have a family that I can speak that fondly of someday.

Probably not.

"They're like a pack of rodents; cowering away from anyone stronger than them, pretending to be strong and mighty themselves when they're not," I sighed, leaning back in the chair that I'm sitting in. "They do just about anything to gain power. I never actually fit in with them, and yet I was always called the 'jewel of the family' because of my so-called beauty that they apparently see. Not my talents or my personality, just my looks."

I was constantly complimented for my beauty before I ran away. I just don't see what they think is beautiful about me. Besides, why should appearances even matter? They're only temporary.

"So I'm guessing you moved out and cut off ties with them once you turned eighteen?" Jack wondered.

I actually left about a month before my eighteenth birthday...

"I guess you could say that." I shrugged.

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