chapter seven

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                                                            Jack's P.O.V.

        I sighed, swirling the water in my cup.

I guess Elena is like my sister now.

I just felt her partially enter the pack-mindlink.

To be honest, I completely forgot about the full-moon-marking thing. Knowing her, she wouldn't have put it off; she would see no use in doing so.

I mean, she clearly didn't put it off.

I can't wait to be able to find my mate; in just a few hours of meeting Elena, it looked like Victor was almost back to normal, back to how he was before all the stress of being Alpha got to him. She relieves his stress somehow, I guess. Which is an extremely good thing. I guess she does have that effect on people that she meets without her even realizing that she's doing so. That just makes her that much better. I'm glad that Victor turned out to be her mate.

He's going to have so much trouble with her, though. She is practically the dictionary definition of a wild card.

Now that I think of it, I guess it's a good thing that this is the last stop of the tour. This way they won't have to be separated so soon after meeting and marking each other. Elena can also take a break from working so she can spend even more time with Victor.

I know that she's been thinking of taking some time off so she can write more songs.

Maybe I'll even get some nieces or nephews soon. When they're ready and after the tour is over, hopefully. This is gonna be great!

I wonder what their kids would look like. Hmm. Would they have Elena's red hair or Victor's black hair? And would they have her violet eyes or his green ones? I guess the only way to figure that out is to wait until they have kids. That probably won't be for a few years, though.

       Where would Elena and Victor be?

I kind of hope that they're not in Victor's room...

That would be kinda awkward.

"Good afternoon, Lily, how are you?" I greeted the

Maybe she knows where they are. Nothing bad could come from asking, right?

"I'm doing well, how are you?" she replied.

"Just swell," I grinned. "Do you, by any chance, know where Elena and Victor are? Sadly, I need to take Elena to work."

"They should be in the Alpha's office, I believe," she answered. "Excuse me, an expecting couple is needing my assistance with something."

His office! Right! Why didn't I think about that?

"Yes, of course," I nodded politely at Lily. "Thank you."

This is why she's an Elder and not me.

"Anytime!" she giggled as she was walking away. "I'm always happy to help."

Alright then, off to my big brother's office to pick up the little pop star.

        I inhaled and exhaled softly before I knocked on the door to my brother's office.

"Who is it?" my brother's voice called from inside the office.

"Your little brother!" I chirped.

"Come on in," he sighed.

I can just see him dragging his hands down his face in annoyance in my mind. It's an extremely vivid image.

I opened the door, walking in, and I immediately noticed that Elena wasn't in the room.

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