chapter thirty

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        "Am I supposed to have a pup growing inside of me by now?" I asked, looking at the ground to hide my grim eyes and my frightful expression.

"Who put this silly thought in your head?" Victor hummed, looking up from his paperwork and setting his pen down. "The Alpha pair has a pup when they are ready."

"Ye-yesterday, while I was walking back to the room your mother stopped me and asked me when I was due. I was confused. While she was explaining what she meant, she said that you should have gotten me pregnant by now," I whispered. "That... that I should have your pup growing inside of me already. I guess it's just kind of stuck in my head."

Victor stood up and walked towards me slowly.

"The Alpha pair have a pup once they're ready to have a pup. That's just..." he sighed, bringing me into his arms and kissing the top of my head sweetly. "That's just my mother being her cranky self. She believes that within a few months of a high-ranking wolf finding their mate they should already be expecting a pup, like her and my father had been. It's just one of her many unrealistic thoughts that aren't true."

I relaxed in his warm arms.

"Oh..." I mumbled.

I wonder what her other unrealistic thoughts are. I'm a bit curious now.

"I'll wait until whenever you're ready," Victor breathed out.

"And what if I am?" I murmured, placing my hands on his chest and looking up at him.

"Huh?" he uttered, overcome with shock.

His eyes were wide, making his emerald eyes seem even greener than usual.

"What if I want to have a pup with you?" I asked in an innocent tone. "What if I am ready to have pups with you?"

I don't care if it is the Heat that is making me want a pup. The more I think about it, the more the idea sounds appealing.

"Then we should try to have a pup?" he responded.

"Can we?" I wondered quietly. "I mean, now that the war is over. It should be safe enough, right?"

"Can we what, my darling?" Victor hummed.

My face started to heat up.

"Can we try?" I wondered. "I... I want to have a pup. If... if you want to as well, that is. "

"I would be honored," he whispered, nipping at my ear. "Are you sure this isn't the Heat talking, though?"

"I'm sure," I giggled. "I'm pretty sure the Heat has passed. It has been over a week, after all."

        Wet kisses being placed all over my face woke me up.

I huffed and shoved the head away from mine.

It's a sweet way to be woken up, but I would probably appreciate the sweet gesture more if I was more of a morning person. I am nowhere close to being a morning person.

"Mornin' darling," Victor breathed, pulling me closer to him.

"Hi," I mumbled before yawning.

I don't like mornings. Never did.

"Tired?" he asked whilst chuckling.

I snuggled into his side and looked up at him.

I nodded in response. "I just woke up, what do you think?"

Someone knocked on the door just as Victor's lips were about to touch mine. In response, Victor groaned in annoyance.

"Who is it?" Victor ordered.

"Your mother," the person on the other side of the door answered. "I need to speak with you."

"Give us a moment," Victor said before returning his attention to me. "I guess we've got to get ready for the day already, huh?"

"I guess so..." I sighed, tracing invisible, swirly patterns on his chest. "I don't want to, though."

"Neither do I," he whispered. "I would very much rather stay here, with you safe in my arms."

        "You wanted to speak to me, mother?" Victor hummed once we finally got out of the room.

"I want to speak to you in private," his mother quipped, giving me an icy glare. "Without anyone else present."

I don't understand what her problem is with me.

"Whatever you need to tell me, you can tell my mate as well," Victor gritted out. "She is the Alpha Female of this pack, after all."

"She's what I want to talk to you about," She bit out.



"All the more reason to have her in the conversation," Victor muttered, bringing me closer to his side and keeping his arm around my waist. "I will not talk behind my mate's back. That is, unless it's to talk about how wonderful she is."

Awe, how sweet.

"Whatever," his mother huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and rolling her eyes like a spoiled child not getting their way. "I just don't see why you still keep her around. With all the damage she's already caused to this pack, why haven't you gotten rid of her yet? From what I can see, she's only a burden to this pack."

Is that really how she sees me? She doesn't even know anything about me! At least get to know me a bit before drawing those kinds of conclusions.

I have a sneaking suspicion that it's going to be near impossible to get along with her...

"I will never get rid of my mate," Victor growled, his grip on my waist tightening as his claws started to protrude my skin. "She is mine and only mine, just like I am hers and only hers! No one can ever replace her no matter how hard they try. She is not a burden to this pack!"

I sighed.

All this after we made the decision to have a pup.

"I want you to leave her," his mother frowned. "Reject her, now."

Isn't it impossible to reject a mate once they are marked unless you mark someone else? It was my understanding that it worked like that. It might be different for Alphas, but I'm unsure about that.

"Never," He snarled, his grip on my waist is tightening even more.

"Vi-Victor... you're hurting me," I sputtered. "Your... your claws."

His arm instantly came off of me.

"I'm so, so sorry, darling," he whimpered, rubbing the area that he was gripping soothingly. "Please forgive me. I didn't mean to harm you."

I know he didn't.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled his head near mine.

"Just control your anger," I whispered in his ear. "It'll be okay. We'll be okay."

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