chapter thirty-three

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        "What am I doing here?" I sighed. "I don't even know what I'm doing here."

We went on a drive for four hours to get into the next town just so we could go to the mall. As it turns out, the only reason for us coming here is for a store that has tons of makeup, hair dye and other things that correlate to that stuff. Tons of beauty products in one small pastel-colored area.

It smells so weird in here.

"What do you need help with?" Danielle asked.

I dully stared at all of the different brushes and colors in front of me before looking at her.

"What's with all the poofy brushes?" I asked, poking one of them.


"Also, where are we and why are we here?" I hummed.

It feels so soft against my fingertips.

"We're at a makeup store," she laughed.

Oh no. Now I know why we're here.

"You have yet to pick the kind of makeup you want to wear for your wedding. Which is tomorrow by the way," Jack said.

I rolled my eyes.

Yes, I know it's tomorrow. How would I forget that my wedding is tomorrow?

"What if," I murmured. "What if I just don't want to wear any makeup for my wedding and that's why I haven't chosen a makeup look? What if I want to go all-natural?"

Jack didn't say anything in response. He just stared at me as Danielle looked at both of us with a confused face.

"You got out of wearing makeup most of the time while working, you're not getting out of it this time," he frowned after staying silent for a minute. "You say that for you, makeup is for special occasions. Is this not one of the most special occasions of your life?"

"I guess you're right," I mumbled, looking at the ground.

"So... umm... " Danielle hummed. "Now that that's all figured out. Can we pick a makeup look?"

"Fine," I sighed. "I don't want anything too big or flashy though. Something light and simple, maybe?"

"Deal," Jack grinned.

        "This is much more nerve wracking than I expected it to be," I murmured.

Danielle is doing the makeup that we picked out yesterday.

It's simple (I think), but does have some... pizazz to it. Yeah, pizazz is the right word for it.

"It will be fine," Danielle smiled softly.

Everything's pretty natural (I think) except for the fact that the eyeliner is a dark green that almost looks black because of how dark it is. The eyeshadow is a light emerald along with the lipstick which is a slightly softer green.

I guess, now that I think about it, it's not anywhere near natural, huh?

For hair, we decided to just leave it down and curl it so it will be in gentle, loose ringlets.

I know that when choosing I said I wanted only natural colors and whatever, but I figured it would be cool to be wearing Victor's eye color.

We did have to make sure that the shade of makeup colors will look good with my dress before choosing anything, though, but that was easy.

"I know, I know. It's just," I sighed, trying to make sure that I don't move too much and mess everything up. "It's just that I never thought that this would happen. Not to me, at least."

My dress... also another uncommon thing for me. I normally only wear dresses for work and those are typically much shorter so I can move around easily. This dress is much longer and heavier than those for my show.

"What do you mean?" Danielle asked.

"Well," I hummed. "After I ran from being mated to Luke, I kind of lost hope of ever finding my mate. My wolf hated me thinking like that, but I couldn't help it. How else was I supposed to think?"

"I see," she nodded in response. "I'm almost done with your makeup and hair, so you're almost done here."

        I took in a deep breath and let it out as I looked at myself in the body-length mirror.

I can't really recognize myself. I'm totally out of my comfort zone here.

The top part of the dress is very well fitted and shows my figure, which is something I'm not very used to because I normally wear baggy clothing to hide it or looser fitted clothing for my shows. The belt that's right above my hips and tied in a small bow in the back is a soft purple with small gold details. The straps are made with the same type of ribbon. They're both about an inch in width. The white skirt part, which is overlapped by a slightly purple lace, flares slightly after it gets to the belt and ends at my ankles, showing my white heels that look kind of like tap-dancing shoes with little tassels on the ends of the shoestrings.

I'm sure that a lot of people would be mad at how I've got colors other than white on my dress, but I've always been a sucker for purple. Also, it's my dress, not theirs, so who cares about what they think?

My black hair is in loose curls, gently draped over my right shoulder and my violet eyes look so vibrant with the green eyeshadow.

I've got this.

"Are you ready, Torch?" Jack asked.

He's taking what is traditionally the bride's father's job and being the one that will be giving me away.

He's my closest friend and my father can't do it for obvious reasons.

"Yeah," I nodded.

I took one more look at myself in the mirror before wrapping my arm around the one Jack is holding out for me to take and allowing him to lead me to where we're supposed to go.

"Let's go," I smiled.

"So, I see that you're trying to steal Victor and I's eye color," Jack smirked. "You know you don't need to have our green eyes to be a part of the family, right?"

"Oh, shut up," I huffed, playfully shoving his arm.

        Victor and I are sitting down, holding hands as we watch others dance on the dance floor. I feel very content and happy as we do this. Surprisingly, my feet don't hurt much from the heels.

I just got married to the love of my life, my soulmate. This is something that I never thought would happen.

Victor let go of my hand, readjusted the purple handkerchief in his pocket and stood up. He faced me and bowed, holding his hand out towards me.

What is he doing?

"May I have this dance, m'lady?" he asked, looking up at me with a playful smirk on his lips.

I'll play along with him.

For now.

"You may, my good sir," I smiled back at him, putting my hand in his outstretched one. "I'd be honored to dance with you."

He brought my hand to his lips and gently pressed them against it before helping me stand up from the chair and leading me to the dance floor to go dance with my husband.

"Believe me when I say this," he breathed out. "The honor is all mine, m'lady."

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