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​​​​​​It was the year 2017 and two demons in particular were up to no good. They both had serious fan girls, but they had no idea that the demons were actually real. Except you. You read up on them both, watched both of their shows, basically knowing everything about them both. So in turn, you believed they were real. Of course you kept it a secret. You didn't want anyone to know, because your friends, too, are fans. But they don't actually believe they're real. So you kept it secret in turn of not being call insane or crazy.

But you didn't think of the consequences.....

​​​​​​Narrator's P.O.V:

Sebastian sits down in a lounge chair with his feet propped up. He was sitting in the demon world having a meeting with another popular demon called Bill Cipher. They both at the time were talking about their victories in defeating their enemies.

Turns out, Bill had not defeated the Pine twins, but did get a small town that was not polluted with fierce fighting smart people and he enjoyed torturing them.

And Sebastian  had got all the souls he wanted. He had in turn got Ciel Phantomive's soul  achieving what he wanted. Than there after has been retrieving souls since than. 

But neither of them were paying attention to each others story. They were both thinking of a girl. A particular girl. The same girl:

They both couldn't get you out of their head. It was weird. Demon's usually can't fall in love and don't care about anything but retrieving what they want when they want. But at the moment, they both want you.

At the same thought they both looked up at each other and glared.  

"(Y/N)" They said it at the same time.

Bill's demeanor turned dark and red and angry as his eye flashed red. "She is mine. Not yours"

Sebastian smirked as he flicked his hand, not at bother. "Oh really. It seems when I looked her up she liked me way better than you, Nacho."

Bill growled. "You did not just say that!" He started flaming a red color."tch, at least I don't have such a stupid weakness!"

Sebastian growled "weakness? What weakness?"

Bill chuckled and thew  a cat at Sebastian. He catches it eyes wide." I-Its so beautiful.. " .But he couldn't finish as Bill hit him square in the chest and sent him flying back against the wall. Sebastian got up eyes flashing red as he sped up to Bill and knocked him into he ground and down several floors. Demons wooped and cheered "fight!fight!fight!" as Bill and Sebastian continued hitting each other. But at the time they didn't notice they fell back into a portal to the human world.

Your P.O.V

I sigh as you lay my head on my desk after watching several hours of my favorite anime and shows Gravity Falls and Black Butler. I was so tired that I was probably about to fall asleep right there when suddenly there was a loud bang and crash from my left side of the room. I spun around and my eyes widened.

There, getting up , and fighting in my very room, was Bill and Sebastian themselves!

​​​​​I gasp and hold up my hands "WHAT THE HELL!?"

​​​​​They both stop and spin around to stare at me and I froze. It was them and in real life!

​​​​​They both glance at each other smirking before turning to me and saying at the same time as you gasp when they lunge for you:


​​​​​​~ ❤ ~

Hello  Friends. Thank you for even stopping by to read my new story. I originally got this idea from watching so much and reading fandom of both of these shows and decided to make it. Please comment and favorite if you liked it. And if it's a question, yes,  This is a yandere story.

Demons at War || Bill Cipher x Reader x Sebastian Michaelis ||Where stories live. Discover now