⚫ Chapter 4 ⚫

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Your P.O.V:

You wake up a few moments after Bill said that and you grabbed your head. It was fuzzy and spinning so it took a few moments for it to clear up.

When you could finally see clearly, you scanned the room you were in. And it definitely wasn't school. You were laying on a couch with a blanket wrapped around you. The furniture in the dark room almost looked Victorian like. There was also a fireplace at the base of the room,in front of you.

You were about to get up when you noticed a glowing blue chain on your wrist that was apparently to prevent you from leaving.

You growled, very irritated, and yanked on the blue chain. You soon came to find that the chain was unbreakable. What was this?

Memories quickly flashed into your brain and your eyes widened. You realized you must be at Bill's place as you remembered what he said before knocking you out.

Speak of the devil.

Bill strolled in with a smirk on his face. He was in his human form still but instead had a yellow suit on black here and there with his top hat and cane. Apparently since you knew he was a demon already and you were already at his place, you saw he had no need to hide his yellow eyes like he did with other things.

"Oh Cracker! You're up!" He grinned walking over to you and bent in front of you, coming face to face. "I do so hope you like this place. Because it will become your new home for eternity after all."

You blinked just sitting there stunned? He honestly didn't think there was anything wrong with this whole situation? He truly was crazy.

Bill cackled with laughter. "Oh, crazy for you that is!"

You began to freak out. You forgot that he could read minds and get into people's heads.

You sigh closing your eyes and decided on the latter and to just ignore him.

Suddenly you felt your chin being lifted and your eyes flashed open.  Your (e/c) eyes stared right into his very angry golden eyes that had a slight tint of resin them.

" Cracker, I would suggest not ignoring me. I can do very bad things to you."

You roll your eyes at that. It's just a hot threat. He's bluffing. I mean, he had to be right? He wouldn't hurt you if he loved you right? Than again, he was a demon.

Bill laughed at you and grinned "very good! You're starting to understand the situation at hand now!" He bent down holding out his hand which was flaming it's usual blue color.

"Now. Think hard about your decision. Especially with what I could do to you. But that's not the point! Its time to make a deal. Will you be mine forever in exchange for your life?"

Your eyes widened just realizing his words. He could easily kill you any second with a mere snap of finger and you were scared about that. You close your eyes as you reach your hand out, heart racing. You were about to give your freedom up. But it's better than dying right. You nodded.

But right before you shook his hand, mere inches from it, a loud Bang! Echoed from another room.

Bill stated over at you than the door. "I'll be right back. Behave and do not make a peep. Or else." Than he left the room.

You just sat there blinking. What was going on? Whatever it was it just saver your life. But for how long? You were still stuck in this place.

Just at the thought, a loud buzzing noise was heard and a familia, yet fuzzy to your brain, portal opened. You looked back at the door biting your lip. What of Bill? But this may be your only chance to escape. Get back to life.

You nod and without second thought you grabbed your jacket that fell off and jumped through the portal.

~ ❤ ~

Well my lovely berry readers. I hope you enjoyed the update. Sorry for the long wait, I had internet problems for weeks.

-what do you think interrupted bill?
-will bill get mad!?
-will Sebastian step in and take his chance?

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Love ya!,

Demons at War || Bill Cipher x Reader x Sebastian Michaelis ||Where stories live. Discover now