⚫Chapter 14: Neautral End⚫

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"I-I choose...."


"No one!"

I quickly shove both men back and run toward the exit. I heard angry shouts, but I ignored them. I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.

I ran out the double doors, abandoning my heels and tearing the bottom of my stunning dress in the process.

As I made my way down the halls, the power suddenly went out and I couldn't see a thing. But that didn't stop me. I was going to end this madness one way or another!

I felt my way on the walls, hearing creepy loud taps and echoes of shouts on my way. I did my best to ignore them to complete my main mission.

I finally found what I was looking for: thick, shiny chains and locks.

I smirked and touched them. Weird, they were supposed to be stronger, yet they still broke to my touch. Oh well, better for me anyways.

As I stepped in, my eyes found what I was looking for trapped in the very back right corner: The old PC!

As I stepped toward it, there was suddenly smoke eveeywhere and none other then Bill Cipher and Sebastian Michaelis stepped out of it. And they were in my way. Damn it all.

"Don't do this, please (Y/n)!" Bill pleaded with a cracked, yet frustrated voice.

"Isn't this what you wanted all along? I thought it was your dream to be with us. The one and only Sebastian and Bill. I know you fangirled to us, nearly dying each time you saw us on screen. Yet you want to get rid of us? Please... (Y/n)?" Sebastian held out his hand and smiled softly as well as Bill.

I looked back and forth between the two demons and the computer, full of mixed emotions. Guilt, worry, deteemination, sadness, confidense and worst off all: love.

Before I could make up my mind, with tear filled eyes, I quickly grabbed they bat that was slung on the ground and shoved pass the two and smashed it right into the screen.

Both Sebastian and Bill screeched in pain. You could see bright  lights coming from cracks in their skin as they broke with the computer.

Both took sloppy steps toward me and I quickly smash it again, followed by more shreeks of pain. i finally finish with a hard shove of the PC.

As it landed on the ground, I heard a faint, "I love you..." from the both of them as they both burst open with a bright light then sparkles fell to the ground.

"(Y/N)?" I heard two familar voices ask.

I quick spun around and saw both my mother amd Jameson standing there, unscathed as if nothing ever happened to them.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I ran up to them both and enveloped them in a giant group hug. They immediately responded back and I laughed with joy for the very first time in a long time. "M-mommy... J-jameson... Y-you're actually back..." my voice crack.

"Yes we are, sweetheart. You did a wonderful job." My mother praised in a sofr voice.

"Well, you know me. You can't get rid of the gay just yet!" Jameson exclaimed with his normal, optimistic voice.

I giggle and wrap my arm around them both. "Let's go home, you dorks."

With that, we found our way home somehow and lived happily ever after.

Or so I thought...


The End!!!

Well at least for now.  😂😂. That was the neutral end and guess what!? There will be a sequal!!

Just one problem, I can't make one for both because I don't have enough time or space for that. So please, if you have been and still are a loyal reader, please comment here if you want Bill or Sebastian to be the Yandere in the second book.


If you just want to stop here and not continue on to the sequal, once I update, just continue on. It will be the last update and it will be two separate chapters based on your choice of Bill of Sebastian. Those who want to read the sequal can read them, just know there will be a continuing.

I also need ideas for a title please! I already have a plot in mind, just message me if you're interested in discussing.

Thank you for reading to the end, lovelies ( You are beautiful!!!)!

Love you,


Demons at War || Bill Cipher x Reader x Sebastian Michaelis ||Where stories live. Discover now