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Your P.O.V:

You groaned as you woke the next morning. You had a nagging pain in your head and it just won't go away. So you got up and grabbed some pills from the bathroom and popped some in your mouth. They were pain pills so no harm done. You glanced at the clock and freaked. "HOLY CHEESE AND CRACKERS! I'M LATE!"

You sped as dressed in random something. Than ran downstairs and grabbed some milk and toast and chugged/ate it in thirty seconds flat than ran as fast as you could to school which was about a few blocks away.

Making it to school, you sped through the halls and burst into the classroom.  The teacher, along with every other student stared at you with both looks of amusement and disappointment.  The teacher, unfortunately, was one with disappointment. "Miss (Y/n) , you would do better to set your alarm clock next time." You got a tardy slip and went to your seat in the middle right next to the windows and slumped down, face red in embarrassment as the kids of class snickered at you.

Your friend, Jameson , shook his head laughing. He whispered over to you "oh cheer up (y/n), this isn't the last time this will happen. I think everyone has got used to you being late." You shook your head laughing when the teacher started speaking.

"class, we have two new students. They are both cousins. Bill Chuckwood and Sebastian Mills. " You looked up curiously and gaped at the two new students. One had on a plane yellow t -shirt with those fake tuxes printed on it than yellow slacks, black high tops, and a beanie. Meanwhile Sebastian had a black T-shirt on that fit his figure and showed off his abbs, and dark jeans with Black tennis shoes and a beanie too with gauge's in his ear. 

You narrowed your eyes a bit though. They just looked so familiar in someway, you just couldn't put your tongue on it.

"Now Sebastian, Bill, go choose an empty seat and you'll be partners with the person next to you or a group with three." 

You saw them scanning the room, and as if it was a coincidence, both their eyes landed on you. You felt weird about it. Than they both glanced to the open seat beside you that wasn't by your friend Jameson. They both looked at each other than raced to the seat. You were surprised. What was the rush about? And why did you feel like it was about you in some way. The Sebastian guy beat bill and bill mumbled as he had to sit beside Tracy, the cliché of a popular red head, who bat her lashes at him. But he completely ignored her as he glanced at you than smiled seeing you staring and winked. You blushed and looked away.

Your new partner, well group partner, since Jameson was with them, smiled at you. "Hey. I'm Sebastian." You almost fell out of your chair. He sounded just like Sebastian Michaelis from the anime Black Butler, one of your favorites.

He caught your arm and you blushed a bit. "Hey, miss, are you okay?" Your heart fluttered a bit at the position. But than you shook your head and pushed his arm away sitting straight up. "Y-yah...i-im fine. I'm (y/n) by the way."

He smiled warmly at you, which made you almost melt because again, it was exactly like Sebastian from the anime. " (Y/n)" he said a couple of times. "Such a beautiful name for a beautiful Lady" he pulled a rose put of his bag and put it in your hair as you blushed ferociously eyes wide. 

"U-um er...yah...t-thank you. Uh..." Jameson saved you by draping his arm around you. " (y/n), Darling! Why don't you go to the bathroom for a bit. You seem flushed." You nodded sighing and ran out of the room. But before you left, you couldn't help but see the glares both Bill and Sebastian were giving to the grinning Jameson. You felt weird about it, but decided to shrug of off and ran to the bathroom.

Jameson's POV:

I shifted in my seat after (y/n) left. I felt a nagging sensation that i was being stared at. I glanced up and saw both Sebastian, our new group member, and Bill glaring at me. Whoa, why would they both be hating on me already? Unless.... They both like (y/n). Oh crap!

The bell rung and I quickly gathered my stuff and my bag and jumped up and sped out the door running fast. But it was too late. I felt myself being lifted into the air and my eyes widened. I was thrown out an open window into the back of the school. I hit the ground hard and staggered up, coughing up blood.

A shadow loomed over me and I saw both Bill and Sebastian smirking down at me.

Bill laughed kicking my stomach as I gagged up more blood. "Oh look, poor James can't fight back. What a pity, and I was so looking forward to having some fun. Oh well, at least we get to enjoy slowly killing him."

They both continuously hit me with either of their, to my surprises, powers, or feet and fists. I felt myself at the edge of consciousness when bill and Sebastian both nelt down and whispered in my ear:

"(Y/n) is ours and ours only. Fools like you only get in the way."

Than all I saw was black nothingness.

~ ❤ ~

Well friend's, I hoped you like it. I tried making it as yandere as possible. I hope I hit it right. Anyways, thank you so much for reading. Please try to comment what you think and add to favorites if you liked it because it will continue getting better. Follow author if you can.

With love to all my berry readers,
~LollyGal ~

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