⚫Chapter 15: Bill's End⚫

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"I-I choose...."


"No one!"

I quickly shove both men back and run toward the exit. I heard angry shouts, but I ignored them. I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.

I ran out the double doors, abandoning my heels and tearing the bottom of my stunning dress in the process.

As I made my way down the halls, the power suddenly went out and I couldn't see a thing. But that didn't stop me. I was going to end this madness one way or another!

I felt my way on the walls, hearing creepy loud taps and echoes of shouts on my way. I did my best to ignore them to complete my main mission.

I finally found what I was looking for: thick, shiny chains and locks.

I smirked and touched them. Weird, they were supposed to be stronger, yet they still broke to my touch. Oh well, better for me anyways.

As I stepped in, my eyes found what I was looking for trapped in the very back right corner: The old PC!

As I stepped toward it, there was suddenly smoke eveeywhere and none other then Bill Cipher and Sebastian Michaelis stepped out of it. And they were in my way. Damn it all.

"Don't do this, please (Y/n)!" Bill pleaded with a cracked, yet frustrated voice.

"Isn't this what you wanted all along? I thought it was your dream to be with us. The one and only Sebastian and Bill. I know you fangirled to us, nearly dying each time you saw us on screen. Yet you want to get rid of us? Please... (Y/n)?" Sebastian held out his hand and smiled softly as well as Bill.

I looked back and forth between the two demons and the computer, full of mixed emotions. Guilt, worry, determination, sadness, confidence and worst off all: love.

The latter took over and the bat clattered onto the ground from my hands and tears fell from my eyes. I chose the one I knew I was going to be happy with forever if I stayed with him.

I walked up to Bill and took his hand. Blue flames wrapped unharmfuly around us as I saw Sebastian shift into dust in the air.

Bill grabbed my chin and made me look him in the eyes. "You're mine, (n/n). And don't you forget it,~"  He kissed me deeply and from there I knew I was going to be happy and forget the bad.

~ 10 years later ~

I was curled up next to Bill with our little baby girl Emica cuddled in between us sucking her little baby finger. We had to keep her from floating because we ran into that trouble as she was born and when she slept.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Me and Bill were very passionate lovers and I ended up having twin boys and a baby girl a year after that. It all took place when I turned 24. (You were 16 in this book),

The boys' names are Leon (Lee-ohn) and Zika (Zee-Kah). They are both nearly two now and already know how to walk and talk just a bit. Leon is human and Zika is full dream demon. Emica is half human half demon, and somehow more powerful then her demon brother already,

So meanwhile, Bill and I were cuddling when both twins cane running in screaming and jumped on us "mommy! Daddy! Looook!"

The two twins touched fingers and suddenly they were both one person and looked older then two. They looked five. Did they just fuse? Weird.

I laughed as Bill freaked out and the twins unfused. I picked up the now awake Emica and brought Bill and the twins into a large bear hug.

"I love you, my family."

The End


Bill's End: Complete

Hope you enjoyed the story.

Love y'all to pieces


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