⚫Chapter 7⚫

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Author's Note: Okay, so i've decided from now  on, the story will be in First Person PoV. Mainly because it's getting confusing and hard for me, plus probably a bit confusing to you too. So yah, just a warning for you and a load off for all of us °\^_^/°.

{Y/N's P.O.V.}

Startled from the memories hitting me while I slept, I woke up in a flash as I grabbed my head dizzily. What happened to make this happen?...Oh yah... Them... Shitballs.

"You're awake, eh cracker?"

Laughter was heard behind me which couldn't help but make me jump. I turned to see Bill floating behind me, swinging his cane as he whistles an amused tune to himself.

I frowned and grabbed the nearest thing - which happened to be a pillow - as anger filled my chest and threw it as hard as I could at him and stuck out my tongue. "Yah, and so not listening to you, damn dorito!"

Before I knew it, I was pressed up against the wall, with furious red eyes glaring into my soul as Bill pinned my wrists to the wall, his face centimeters from mine. "Wanna say that again, Cracker? Or will i have to punish you?~"He smirked as if he won a cookie or something.

Unfortunately for him, I wasn't phased. Raising my eyebrow, I took my turn to smirk and brought my special weapon ( In case you're wondering, my knee ) up to his groin and slammed it hard. Even though he was a demon, seeing as he of the male gender too, it still hurt. Painfully, to add on.

Bill fell to the ground clutching his groin as I smirked. "Now, time to get out of .... Whenever I am!"

I ran out of the room I was in, which I admitted, they fit pretty well to my likings. The walls were light {f/c} and had dark trims of black on the ceiling and floor with posters, pictures, gear and more of my favorite bands, anime's (I'm assuming y'all like anime since you're reading this) and things I like. Admitting, very creepy. But also kinda sweet to know it. But they probably just used their weird magic powers just to figure this stiff out. Figures.

I made my way out of the room and ran down the halls. It was like a damn maze! And I didn't even see any windows. What was this place even? An enclosed labyrinth or something? So instead, I began opening random doors. Maybe I could find a way out.


Or not.

I opened the last door I could find, only to see Sebastian bending a lady from his time down and doing God knows what to her. I shivered and backed up slowly since I wasn't heard only for Sebastian to glance up and smirk as he dropped the woman's now dead looking body to the floor. "Ah, {Y/N}. I see you stumbled across my feeding room. I wonder how you got out of your cel- I mean room." His eyes lit up as he got a devious look on his face. "Or maybe perhaps, you want to be fed on.~" he purred with a predatory like voice.

I shook my head as I backed out of the room with every step with an unsteady smile. "I'll ... Uh... Catch up with you on that." Than ran as fast I could out the door.

I heard both Sebastian's and Bill's angry voice behind me not too far so I bolted my steps and speed ran as fast I could. I finally found a window and grabbed the heaviest looking thing near me, ready to throw it at the window as my arms were raised. But the steel grip of a hand stopped me as my eyes glanced back to see none other than an unamused Bill and Sebastian not too far behind.

"tsk tsk, Cracker, I wouldn't do that if I were you." He twisted my hand and arm and yanked me close to his body as his grip tightened and I winced.

"You see, we're not in your world anymore. We're in the demon world. See, we already knew from the moment you woke up to when we saw you, you would try to escape us. We knew. But we can't allow that. So for now until you choose (because you have no choice) you are in both of our possessions. And before you protests or say anything like 'I'm a human being not a toy or doll or pet, bla bla bla,' we're demons not humans,so technically it doesn't matter. Humans were always below us anyways. But you're different {Y/N}. And there's no way we can let anyone else have you or get in the way. Got that?"

Frowning, I thought about it. First of all, ugh, these demons are so annoying! And second... Maybe this could work to my advantage. If i just played the part of the prefect little toy or whatever I am to them, I could trick them and escape. Good thinking {Y/N}. I mentally high fived myself for such a great plan and grinned.

Bill, thinking the grin was me giving in, enveloped me in a giant hug as he sniffed - yes sniffed - my neck and mumbled against it. "Thank you so much, {Y/N}! I promise you won't regret it!"

Sebastian strolled up and him and Bill both kissed my cheek and together we walked back - unfortunately - to my room.

This has better work

~ ❤ ~

AAANNND done! Thanks so much for sticking with my, my berries! Especially through my current situation with internet and all.

Also, 500 freaking views! are you kidding me!? I'm so happy! I never expected to get so many so quickly! And also sticking with me. Plus 30 something favorites. Ahhh, you know how to make an author cry { in joy i mean, before you start freaking out}!.

And one more quick thing:
I need help making a new, more eye catching cover. Can any one help you and I will give you a hefty award for it? Pleeease!?

With love and XOXO,

Demons at War || Bill Cipher x Reader x Sebastian Michaelis ||Where stories live. Discover now